Virtual Concours d’Elegance

On Sunday 7th June we were due to assemble some fine classic motors for the inaugural Roehampton Club Concours d’Elegance in the Club Piazza, with proceeds going to Mission Motorsport, the Forces’ Motorsport Charity.

Needless to say, sadly this event won’t be going ahead but, we have instead gathered for your enjoyment a virtual display here. Thank you to all Members who have contributed.

There are three mystery cars included towards the end – can you guess what they are, the country of origin and when they were built? Email your answers to

The event will now take place on Sunday 6th June 2021! If you have a classic car – modern or vintage – and would like to show your car and be a part of an exciting motoring day at the Club, please express your interest by emailing

Click here for the answers to the mystery cars