Tier Two Guidelines for squash – 19 October 2020

All guidelines are under constant review and subject to change, any changes will be communicated.

The announcement from the government that London is now in Tier 2 lockdown means for squash:
• Bubbles to stop immediately
• No organised adult group sessions
• No spectators for any session
• No squash guest rule continues

As of 17 October Members only can play the below forms of squash:

* Solo practice (Attached is a reminder of drills for you to continue your return to squash)
*Play for those from the same household
*Social distance Individual coaching (both Adult and Junior)
*Junior Social Distance Group coaching. Up to 15 children from different households in a coach-led/supervised activity. 2 per court.
*Support bubble – UK Government defines a ‘support bubble’ as follows: “In England, if you live by yourself or are a single parent with dependant children – in other words, if there is only one adult in your home – you can expand your close support network so that it includes one other household of any size. This is called making a ‘support bubble’ and means you are able to have close contact with them as you could if they were members of your own household.” These England Squash guidelines follow this definition, and do not propose any different type of ‘support bubble’. Please refer to UK Government guidelines for further information.

Court Booking

• Members MUST book a court, please make sure you have a Mycourts login
• No booking = no play = no exceptions
All Members to input their names when booking a court online. This includes both names from any household playing.
ES guidelines state we must do this so we can keep track of who is onsite each day.

Guidance for Members

Click here for Social Distancing poster information


To give Members the best and safest possible experience/service, all coaching enquiries/requests must be directed to Paul.
Paul, as an employee, will have had daily temperature checks on site and has all the guidelines/protocols in place to make Members enjoy their squash experience the best they can.
Individual Coaching sessions with Paul Lindsay will be available, bookable via email to Paul, and with social distancing being adhered to.
No other coaching/coaches permitted.

Solo drills part one  |   Solo drills part two   |  Solo drills part three

Thank you for your cooperation and I hope this is just a short step back for Squash.
Should you have any questions regarding squash or coaching please contact Paul:
Paul.Lindsay@roehamptonclub.co.uk / 07841 429910

Anyone with ONE of the following symptoms – fever, cough or who is generally unwell – should stay at home and contact their GP. If in any doubt, trust your instincts and please stay at home.