I know some people who live by their TO DO LIST. Some of them use a contrasting colour to rule through the items that have been done. Some even do things which are not on their list and once accomplished put them on the list – so they can cross them off! Sounds familiar?
So, a TO DO LIST is brilliant : best to draft it last thing at night so you have a fresh challenge in the morning.
Making that tough telephone call : do it first thing and do it standing up. You will have more authority and a stronger voice. Do not be seduced by an answer machine – you MUST speak to the person directly. Otherwise your message will not be taken at face value.
Once that tough call is made – well, the rest of the TO DO LIST is a breeze.
Some people, colour code their List showing which items are important. If that works for you, then so be it but do not be tempted to do the easy ones first.
How many times do you think ‘This needs to be done but I can’t be bothered’.
As soon as you hear yourself saying that – well, just do it – NOW.
Procrastination does have its advantages – it is called Delayed Gratification. You delay so that the Gratification is enhanced. Of course, you can take advantage of that to convince yourself that the Delay is justified but then you will feel guilty that you have tricked yourself. It is like cheating at golf – you are in fact only cheating yourself.
Energy – you need both physical and mental energy to avoid delays. So, a positive approach to health and associated energy is needed. No energy – no action.
Do it right first time – take a simple example. How many times have you had to retie your shoe laces? Do it right, do it correctly and do it first time.
Work in 20 minute bursts. Your brain gets tired after 20 minutes – so, refresh it by changing your focal length. Move away from the screen and look at the distance, middle ground and foreground – three times each way. Then, stretch and get back to the task. And of course, drink lots of water.
Finally, find a friend – tell him or her that you are going to accomplish this or that task(s). Get the friend to call you or email you to ascertain you have started or even better, done it. Or, you make the call and announce your success! It is called teamwork …
So, this article is finished. I can cross that off my TO DO LIST. Success!