The King and I ©
Here we are in a new royal era. It may still feel like an effort to replace the Queen with the King on occasions but that is a small issue when compared to many others.
These include our willingness to accept the new, our doubts over the surrounding family, the value the monarchy brings to the UK, the place of pageantry in our society and the British class system.
Change is a problem for many people on many occasions. However, this one has been well-forecast, well prepared for and although sad can be a portent of positive outcomes in the future. The wonderful farewells given to the late Queen show just how strong, resilient, loyal and inter-connected is our society. The Queue was a brilliant example of the British at our best. Stamina, comradeship, calm reflection, appreciation and loyalty were its hallmarks. Refuse collectors, rogues, rich, ridiculous, rational and real just queued – with a common purpose – and did it their way. As an indicator that this country is well found, The Queue was totally totemic.
Change brings doubts and questions. Is the new Royal Family fit for purpose? One look at the stunning Princess of Wales at any formal occasion should silence such doubts. Behaviour, decorum, energy, empathy, charm and purposefulness are her characteristics. Elsewhere there are some negatives but on balance the new era has made a wonderful start and is already – in difficult times – showing how fit for purpose it actually is.
Over the years there have been annual criticisms over the value of the Royal Family. A dry, monochrome balance sheet is the last thing we should refer to. Somethings need such assessment but how do you actually value the Royal Family? When you cannot do so in any acceptable sense, it is best not attempted. Would you attempt to value friendship, a sense of humour, one successful cover drive, a rose or a good sleep? So, let’s not try to value the invaluable.
Pageantry – well, apart from the disaster of the Royal Knock Out – I know of no one who would decry the value of pageantry. And here is an example of pageantry at every level – remember the parade of Morris Minors down the Mall? This was pageantry public not pageantry patrician. I rest my case – and who does pageantry the best … ?
And the British class system – where stands this in the new era? It exists. It will always exist as we are hierarchical animals. What has changed and for the better is the ubiquitous knowledge that we may come from a different class BUT it does not matter in a negative sense – it actually matters in a positive sense. As we know how to queue, we know how to manage our class system. Please note that the current Prime Minister has emerged from a solid middle-class family – with the help of outstanding education, hard work and family induced values. Not bad eh? Class is a class act for us Brits.
Of course, what would make 2023 start off with a real bang, would be for a win in the football World Cup. But, I suspect we may have to wait a wee while to bring it home! Prove me wrong please.