Just for Juniors
Tennis and Multi-Activity Summer Camps
We are delighted to be able to provide some tennis and multi-activity camps for our Junior Members this summer.
From Monday 10th August the summer camps will take place just in the morning offering Juniors the opportunity to be in multi-activity camps while parents enjoy their favourite sport at the club.
Morning Camp (groups: 7 to 8 or 9 to 11 years’ old)
Juniors currently aged six but due to turn seven this year may join the younger group.
9am to 10.30am – Tennis Camp
10.30am to 11.30am – MUGA – Multi Games Activities
11.30am to 12.30pm – Chill Time (Quiz, Games/Movies)
15 places available
The MUGA (multi use games area) court will be open soon for us to hold new activities such as: mini golf, relay races, functional movements – jumps, coordination drills, run; skills drills of basketball, football, netball, etc.
The last hour of the camp will be chill time to watch a movie or participate in a quiz.
All children and staff will comply with the government safety guidelines such as maintaining social distance; ensuring clean hands and avoiding touching your face; covering coughs and sneezes, ensuring clean surfaces and equipment; avoiding equipment sharing and cleaning and covering any wounds.
- Bookings only permitted with one-week in advance
- In case of bad weather, camps will be cancelled and refunded
- Booking is only available until the previous day of the booking camp day.
- Black-soled trainers will not be allowed in this camp due the MUGA court floor, please bring the juniors with the appropriate equipment
- Cancellation policy 24h up to the starting of the booking camp day
- No guests until further notice
Cost: £40 per Junior Member | £45 guests – one guest per Member
minimum of three children per age group needed for the camp to go ahead
Book and pay by calling Reception on 020 8480 2400
For more information contact Ana Leal, Junior Activities and Swim Coordinator at ana.leal@roehamptonclub.co.uk