
Returning to Swimming Lessons Q&A

How do I arrive for Swim Lessons?

A one way system will be in operation – detailed as below:

Check in with Health Club staff at the Gate

Walk round to the Indoor Pool via the Outdoor Pool

Be ‘Swim Ready’ and change on Poolside ready for your lesson – please make sure your child has their swim hat and goggles on for the start of the lesson

Once the lesson has ended you can enter the Changing Rooms to change only 

When changed, leave via the Changing Room entrance and Reception area

Will changing rooms be available?

Yes. Changing rooms will be available after the Swim Lesson as we must allow time for the lesson before to change, vacate and sanitise the changing area before the next lesson can use this area.

Where possible we need all children to arrive Swim ready.

Changing Room Capacities

Male: Four families at any one time (based on a family of four persons) Female: Six families at any one time (based on a family of four persons)

IMPORTANT: If the changing room is at capacity Members will be required to wait on Poolside until space becomes available.

Will towels be available?

Members will need to continue to bring their own towel for the time being.

For more information, please contact Swimming Coordinator – Ana Leal via email ana.leal@roehamptonclub.co.uk