Squash Scene

Junior Squash Coaching

Click here for the NEW Junior Squash coaching programme.

Junior Term group coaching courses starting week commencing 6th September. Booking details below.

https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/ (please put the child’s name attending in the ‘Your information’ details.)

If a session does not have a minimum of 4 Members, the session will be cancelled in advance.


I am delighted to welcome Vini Rodrigues to the Coaching Team. Vini joins us after a coaching spell in America. Some of you may recall Vini representing Roehampton Club in our National Clubs team and training with our High-Performance squad a few years ago.

Vini has a world high ranking of 132 and still competes on the PSA (Professional Squash Association) tour. Vini will oversee the launch of our new and exciting junior programme outlined below as well as be on hand for individual lessons for all members.

Adult and Junior Individual Coaching

All lessons and payment are now bookable online through the link below.
Book a 45-minute private squash lesson at £40 with a qualified coach and work on any element of your squash game.


Adult Group Coaching

Adult Term group coaching courses starting week commencing 6th September.

 – Ladies Racketball / Squash 57 Coaching Course
 – Ladies Beginner Coaching Course
 – Beginner Coaching Course


If a session does not have a minimum of 4 Members, the session will be cancelled in advance.

Beginners squash sessions for September only

For Members new to the game and wanting to try it out before joining the social sessions, coaching or leagues.
– Tuesday 9.30am to 10.30am

Sign up for sessions via email to Paul.Lindsay@roehamptonclub.co.uk / vinisquash@gmail.com there is no cost.

Any questions please contact Paul for more details: Paul.lindsay@roehamptonclub.co.uk

Canary Wharf Squash Classic

Although COVID-19 meant there was no annual Club trip to watch the Canary Wharf Squash Classic in March the tournament has been rescheduled for this November.

I am delighted to be able to tell you that once more I have first option on VIP tickets but there is LIMITED AVAILABILITY for Tuesday 16 November.

Please email or call to confirm your interest and I will reserve tickets ASAP.

Our VIP Tickets cost £50 and matches are scheduled to start at 18:00, with four matches going through until anywhere near 22:00.

The VIP Area provides the best viewing, snacks, and an easy-to-access bar.

Season Opener

Click here for the information on this year’s Season Opener – Tuesday 14th September – Golf from 2pm | Squash from 6pm

Paul Lindsay | Head Squash Pro | paul.lindsay@roehamptonclub.co.uk