View from the Social Scene

Virtual Whisky Tasting – Monday 25th January

As we couldn’t have our annual Burns Night celebration this year at the Club, we brought a bit of it into your home. The evening started with Club Member Robert Findlay giving a perfect rendition of the Address to the Haggis. This was followed by a delicious and informative whisky tasting hosted by Craig from GreatDrams. Members tasted a variety of five different, limited-edition whiskies; it was a relaxed evening in the virtual company of friends.

Here’s what you thought about the event:

‘Very many thanks for all your hard work organising yesterday evening’s whisky tasting. I thoroughly enjoyed the session and found it most informative as well as an imaginative celebration of Burn’s Night in this era of pandemic and lockdowns.’

‘Enjoyed the variety – ode to the haggis – and informative re types of whisky.’

‘We thoroughly enjoyed the whiskey tasting Zoom. More like this please!’

Virtual Talk with John Bercow, 2nd February – review

On Monday evening we were fortunate to have John Bercow give a virtual talk to over 140 Members. John is one of the most influential politicians of the last decade and he gave us an enlightening and entertaining insight into UK politics, US Presidential Politics, the pandemic and the effect of Brexit. John said he ‘hugely enjoyed the evening’, and here’s what you had to say:

JB never fails to entertain!

…the evening which we found most informative, particularly his insight into some of his former parliamentary colleagues

Tim and I would very much like to thank you for organising a really enjoyable and informative evening with John Bercow yesterday evening. It was very interesting to hear his views, especially in the Q&A section. It was also a great way to spend time in lockdown and feel connected with the Club. Let’s hope we can get back to some normality soon and be back at the club for our sports and exercise as well.

Thank you for organising the excellent talk from John Bercow. He’s such a splendid speaker not least because he says things I agree with !

Virtual Talk on Breast Cancer

with Joanna Franks, Consultant Breast and Oncoplastic Surgeon

Tuesday 9th February 10.30am

One in eight women in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer. Most of us know someone touched by this disease. Early diagnosis directly relates to improved outcomes. In recent years there have been developments in every aspect of the multidisciplinary care from assessment to treatment.

Member Joanna Franks, Consultant Breast and Oncoplastic surgeon, will talk about modern breast cancer care, when and how to access breast services including during COVID-19, as well as answering your questions.

This is a free event. Register now – login and book online via the Members’ website at or email

Virtual Tour of Soho
With City of Westminster Guide and Roehampton Club Member Rosalind Vincent

Thursday 11th February, 6.30pm on Zoom

Full of history and colourful individuals, Soho is so much more than the iconic Chinatown.

Join Rosalind to discover lovely buildings, exciting art installations and have your eyes opened to the great character of this part of London.

This virtual tour will last approximately 1hour with time for questions at the end.

£12 per household

Book now

Login and book online via the Members’ website at or email

We will send the event zoom link nearer the time.

Premium tea tasting with Mindful Roots Tea


Are you a tea lover who would like to learn more about tea? Why not try something different – a virtual tea tasting afternoon with Mindful Roots Tea.

A fun and educational session in the comfort of your own home.

You will learn:

• A brief history of tea
• How tea is processed
• Tissane and Herbals
• How to make the best cup of tea

The tea tasting sample packs are posted straight to your home.

Members £25 inc. delivery

Includes five samples: one Black Tea, one Green Tea, one White Tea, one Oolong and one Signature Blend (10g)

Bookings must be made by the by 10th February 2021

Login and book online via the Members’ website or email

We will email the event link near to the date of the event.