Last weekend we were visited by our guest professional, Martin O’Donnell, who coached several Members in private sessions. He is pictured giving incumbent Club champion, Alex Rose some advice on positional play. My thanks to Alun Hughes for arranging the sessions, and of course to Martin for his invaluable advice. Martin finished top of the 2022-3 amateur tour and has consequently earned himself a place back on the professional Word Snooker Tour. Best of luck to him.
As the current competition nears its end I will shortly invite Members to sign up for the scratch club championship, the Atherton-Collins Trophy. Look out for my email.
Meanwhile, I would like to remind all Members that they can book the snooker room at any time through MyCourts or at Reception. All equipment is provided in the room, and if you would like more information on competitions, please don’t hesitate to email me on
Happy potting,
Andrew Nowell