Tell us a bit about your work background
My background is a mix of retail and leisure clubs. I worked at the Riverside Club in Chiswick, which was part of the Virgin Active Family. There was always a very high emphasis on service and listening to feedback. I started there as a receptionist and worked my way to Front of House Manager.
My role then changed to Membership Manager, which still included managing reception, with the addition of the new Membership Team, while ultimately ensuring the Net Gain movement was positive across members leaving and joining. Sadly, there were redundancies throughout the first and second wave of lockdowns, and I was made redundant in December 2020. During that time, I moved home to be closer to my mother and sisters and used the lockdown period to reconnect and take advantage of the standstill of life with family and loved ones.
What attracted you to work at Roehampton Club?
I remember my first impression of Roehampton Club was working on the reception at the Virgin Active Riverside and seeing the Roehampton Club Ladies teams visit to play tennis. Not only did they usually win those tennis matches, we would hear the hubbub of how great and member focused Roehampton Club was and truly a Members-only club. That planted a seed in my head that a club like Roehampton Club would naturally be my next move. I love providing a great service, no matter my employer, but doing so at a place like Roehampton Club felt like a challenge I was ready for.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
Being member facing and solving problems. I can make suggestions to Senior Management, and it is heard and we can make changes to positively influence the service we provide. The staff members make this place a happy place to work, and building relationships with Members where they know that if they have an issue or question, they can come to Reception and know they will get their answer or request met. I have a great team in Reception, fully supportive of each other in a often pressurised working environment.
What are you looking to improve?
The digital side to our services. An easy, simple and smooth Member journey online is something I look forward to improving.
Who do you find the most challenging – Members or Staff Members?!
I really enjoy working with the teams here and talking to the members across the different sections. I wouldn’t say I find one more challenging than the other. What I can say, either way, we have a lot of support in the Club to provide us with the best tools to ensure our interactions with Members and staff are positive, fair and consistent.
What do you see being your next role?
I like the path that I am on right now and with recently being in a new role, I will focus on my responsibilities and see what opportunities may arise in the future! I am always excited to grow and learn and be challenged so I look forward to what my future here holds for me.
What do you do to relax away from the Club … favourite sports / other activities?
I enjoy watching documentaries! My favourite subjects at school were the sciences so I enjoy watching anything science related. I also enjoy learning about Astronomy, I recently bought an amateur telescope, and I am at this stage familiarising myself with star maps, learning the moon cycle and stages and can spot Jupiter most evenings and Venus most mornings!