Men’s Seniors’ Golf News

Senior Autumn Medal


64 players took part in the second Medal of the year just eight weeks after we played the Spring Medal.  Thanks to the recent poor weather the course was much greener than it was in July and there was plenty of lush grass waiting for those who strayed off the fairways.

Prize winners are listed below:

Nett Score

1st  Quentin Robey  73/61  Medal Winner

2nd  Alec Lever  83/66

3rd  Neil Symons  84/67

Gross Score

1st  Roy Martin  72

2nd  Suresh Vara  80

Kindly note that we only award one prize per player.

Congratulations to the Seniors Chairman who managed to stay out of trouble (most of the time) and was greatly assisted by an Eagle on the 6th. This contributed to a 1.6 handicap reduction which demonstrates that every silver trophy has a cloudy lining!

Annual Medal

This year we decided to award the old Annual Medal Tankard as a prize for the Lowest Combined Nett score covering the Spring and Autumn Medals. 85 Seniors played in one or other of the Medals and 41 played in both events.  Prizes were awarded to the following:


1st   Roy Martin  146/131  Annual Medal Winner

2nd  Alec Lever  173/139


1st  Quentin Robey  161

Special mention must be made of Roy Martin’s Gross score of 146 (74+72) which means that he was only 4 over Par for the two competitions. This was an excellent achievement and he fully deserves to be the first recipient of the reinstated Annual Medal.

Quentin Robey | Men’s Seniors’ Golf Chairman