Senior’s Golf News
October Grail
The last Grail to be played with CONGU handicaps took place on 28th October. A full field of 66 Seniors played on a dry but breezy autumn day. Scoring was modest (with a few honourable exceptions) so perhaps some of our number were trying to engineer their initial WHS handicaps?! At any rate it is now too late and we shall see what the WHS Fairy brings us next week.
Prizes were awarded to the following:
Nett Score
1st John Wyn-Evans 44
2nd Tony Sperrin 39
3rd Alun Hughes 36 countback
4th David Openshaw 36
5th Simon Culliford 36
6th Tim Frosdick 36
The CSS was 71.
Congratulations to John Wynn-Evans for an exceptional score on his second appearance in the Grail. His reward is a 3 stroke handicap reduction.
Senior Winter Electic (Towler Cup)
Scores for all paid-up Eclectic competitors will be published in the next day or so. The next event is the November Midweek Stableford on Wednesday 11th November. If any other Seniors wish to join this competition (which continues until March 2021) please go to Ongoing Competitions in IG and follow the instructions for sign-up and payment.