This was not the end to the excitement and interest of the day. Playing behind him, I noticed that on the fourth hole David Openshaw was taking a long time looking for his ball.
I correctly assumed that this meant that David was unable to find the yellow ball which eliminated his team’s chances of winning as they were unable to double the score of the person playing the yellow ball for the remaining 14 holes of their round.
Determined to make up for his misfortune, David proceeded to achieve some notable scores during the remainder of the round, in particular carding a HOLE IN ONE at the thirteenth. Ironically, had he done it using the yellow ball, he would have scored 10 rather than 5 points.
David was playing using some borrowed clubs and hit a six iron off the tee rather than his customary eight. He tells me that the ball pitched roughly a yard from the pin. A classic effort in other words. David kindly gave us all drinks in the bar to celebrate afterwards. David holding his scorecard.