Senior Men’s Golf Chairman’s Blog

As this week at Roehampton Club has been devoted to course maintenance, there is less to report than usual at this time of the year.

Last week the seniors’ competition was a Texas scramble with a modest field. As usual, those who played found it great fun, some of us being able to visit parts of the course where we rarely go when playing our own ball. Scoring was good and special congratulations go to Nicholas Brown, Raj Vara and Simon Duvivier who won with a score of Nett 59.

The runners up were Donald McKenzie, Clive Nicholson, Rocky Mowat and Egbert Veldman who came close with a Nett 60.

Seniors’ Winter Eclectic

Last time I reported that the winter eclectic competition had been won by Ian Taylor-Restell, with David Bouch second. When the cards were scrutinised (and handicaps updated) the following day it was discovered that the order was reversed with David winning and Ian second. Apologies and commiserations to both who are regularly well placed in this competition!

April Grail

Next week we have the April Grail. Plenty of spaces remain for seniors to sign up to play so please consult your diaries and put in to play!


On Monday of this week, the seniors golf team played its first match of the season, away to the RAC at Epsom. As it was a sunny and warm spring day, we thoroughly enjoyed our time on the course, even though it was lost by four matches to two. As I was able to point out to our hosts, this was a considerable improvement on last year’s fixture when we gained only a solitary half point! Let us hope that in the return fixture at Roehampton Club in the summer we can turn the tables as we did last year.

One feature of the fixture was that we were able to include three members who were playing in a seniors’ match for the first time. Nicholas Brown was the only debutant who registered a victory but thanks to all three players. I hope we can extend the pool of players further who form part of our squad to which seniors can sign up on Intelligent Golf.

Invitation Day

Next week the Club will be circulating details of the summer invitation days including the Seniors Invitation Day on 14th June. This is always a popular event and so I suggest that seniors get their guests lined up, in order to book their places when sign up opens.

Douglas Millar, Chairman