Events to Easter 2022
We aim to have seniors golf every Wednesday morning throughout the new year except when there are restrictions due to course maintenance. Most events will be team stableford but there will be the monthly grails which are qualifying for handicap. In the next three months our competitions are:
5 January 4 clubs and a putter
12 January Step up Waltz
26 January January Grail
2 February Yellow ball
9 February Joker
16 February February Grail
2 March Texas Scramble
9 March over 70s versus under 70s
16 March Step up Waltz
23 March With Mulligan
30 March March Grail
Fixtures for 2022
We expect to have 24 fixtures in the next year and 22 of them are already on IG where seniors can indicate their availability. The captaincy for matches is shared between members of the seniors committee and the captain for the day will be responsible for picking the team and the administrative arrangements.
It is my hope that everyone who wishes to play in a match will have the opportunity to do so at least once. More than 40 seniors played in matches in 2021. Preference will be given to those who regularly support seniors’ events.
There are also opportunities to play in the Senior Mixed team, which this year will be lead by Siobain Rolston, assisted from the seniors by David Paterson.
Peter Rold also organises the Over 80s team with about six fixtures at involving some interesting Clubs. In accordance with established policy, he will give preference in selection to regular senior golfers.
Senior team kit
We expect seniors playing for our team to wear team kit consisting of polo shirt and sweater. They are not available as stock items in the Sports Shop, but Ricky Pharo will be collating an order for sweaters (woollen or cotton) and cotton shirts early in the new year. Louis Laville will send out an email shortly with further details of how to order team kit.
The Golf Committees have decided not to do a general review of handicaps this year. The World handicapping system should ensure that a player who puts in regular qualifying rounds has a handicap which reflects their playing ability. Anyone with special medical reasons for considering that their handicap is out of kilter should consult Louis Laville or Tristan McIllroy.
Course Etiquette
I discussed the problem of players not repairing pitch marks in the last Recorder. In winter, failure to repair the green is even more damaging than in summer. We also need to be aware of following the rules of golf on the course. Please take some time when you are housebound in these difficult times to think about these matters as they are an essential part of enabling us to play and compete fairly.
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Douglas Millar, Seniors Chairman