Men’s Golf Seniors Report
This has been a quiet fortnight for the seniors as there were no major competitions to report. We have had a brief lull in our programme of matches before we conclude the season with three matches in ten days.
With torrential rain last week forcing us to carry clubs and the ground staff doing their necessary work leaving parts of the course closed we had a preview of how things might be in winter. This impression was reinforced by the return of winter rules on the course. As I assimilated this, I recalled the advice of a former Seniors’ Chairman. ‘Remember Douglas, if anyone asks if their ball is on the fairway, it’s a fair assumption that it is not!’
We are now anticipating our final Grail of the season on 27th October to be followed by our AGM. This will provide all seniors with the opportunity to express satisfaction or otherwise with the organisation of senior golf this year and to applaud the roll of prize-winners in the last two COVID affected years. I am delighted that we have been able to select 41 seniors in our programme of matches and that we have been able to conclude our summer competitions and clear the decks for our regular winter events starting in November. Please enter the Grail and attend the AGM if you are eligible.
A regular roll-up was held yesterday with a full start sheet of eight teams of three and one team of four. A congratulations must go to Alec Lever, Peter Rogan and Ev Schenk after shooting a Nett 59 to win the Senior Roll Up Texas Scramble. Congratulations also to the Runner-Up team of Hassan Dajani, David Openshaw and Ian Taylor-Restell with a Nett 60. The course played extremely well following course maintenance last week.
As winter comes in, the seniors are especially prone to stiffness and other bodily ailments exacerbated by the cold and damp weather. One of our Committee tells me that he has benefitted from the course run by the club designed to strengthen the core, spinal rotation with shoulders and legs to improve flexibility to support their golf. It starts on Zoom on 11th November for five weeks and is led by Susanne. It can be booked at the Health Club.