Senior Golf Chairman’s Blog

My report in the last edition of the Recorder was finalised while I was away in California. The Golden State, as it is known, has been suffering a long-term drought but while I was there some 16 inches of rain fell causing landslips and rock falls. Although it was wet here, Peter Bradburn and his team haven’t had quite so much to contend with. Receiving the daily Roehampton Club course reports in California was interesting. At least I could relax with my son’s family knowing that I was not missing prime golfing opportunities back home.

Last week while I was still away, a four clubs and a putter competition was due to be played. A hardy group of golfers had an enjoyable day on the course despite the tough conditions in the cold and the frost. Congratulations go to Geoff Bradford, Nicholas Brown and Malcolm Turner who were the winning team with 61 points. The runners up were Nigel Brown, Brian Hall and Gilbert Ellacombe with 58 points.

I was back on the course this week in time for the January Grail. Despite the dank miserable weather more than 40 seniors entered and 36 played some part in the competition. Unsurprisingly in the conditions no one played to their handicap but eleven scored 30 points or better.


Congratulations to Ian Taylor-Restell, who won the grail trophy with 35 points! The full list leading scores was:

1st Ian Taylor-Restell         35 points (countback)

2nd Stephen Jones             35 points

3rd Nigel Brown                 34 points (countback)

4th Anders Grundberg      34 points

5th Alec Lever                    34 points

6th Suresh Vara          34 points

Well played to them all especially to our winner.

Seniors’ events January to 5th April 2023

The diary of seniors’ Wednesdays to 5th April has now been finalised and is in the Club diary, as follows:

1 February                               Team Stableford: Four Clubs and a putter

8 February                               Team Stableford: Yellow ball (Eclectic Qualifying)

15 February                             Team Stableford: Step up / Waltz

22 February                             Grail

1 March                                   Team Texas Scramble

8 March                                   Team Stableford: eclectic Qualifying

15 March                                 Team Stableford: with Joker

22 March                                 Grail

29 March                                 Over 70s vs under 70s

5 April                                     Team Stableford: Final qualifying event for Winter eclectic

You will notice that the March Grail is not on the last Wednesday of the month. That is because on 29th March the greenkeepers will be out and about on the course preparing it for the Gold Cup. What that also means is that the course should be in tip top condition for Wednesday 5th April when I have decided we can hold our final qualifying event for the seniors’ Winter Eclectic. I am hoping that it will provide a good opportunity for a grandstand finish and allow those whose opportunities have been curtailed by the weather to put in a final score.


Our fixtures for 2023 are now finalised and I have placed the schedule of matches on the seniors’ noticeboard and in the Club diary. I remind seniors to indicate their availability for particular matches on IG to ensure they have the opportunity to represent the Club during the season.

Golf quiz and psychology evening: 2nd February

There are a few places left for this event. Please sign up to ensure that your golf knowledge is brushed up.  It promises to be a fun event and you will meet fellow golfers from all parts of the Club.

Douglas Millar,

Senior Golf Chairman