Rackets Cubed has been looking for donations of food and educational materials from several sources and have secured generous weekly donations from Waitrose, Fareshare and Magic Breakfast but we still need extra help in order to help as many families as possible. Our target, with your help, is to grow this initiative to help up to 250 families and therefore approximately 1000 people in total. We are working closely with Heathmere School, one of the schools we have worked with for many years, to identify the families who need our help the most. We are also planning to add another two or three schools in the coming weeks.
Roehampton Community Box with Rackets Cubed
As many of you will know Roehampton Club has been working with Rackets Cubed for the last four years. We were the founding programme and many of our Members are actively involved. We are pleased to announce that the Club is now joining the Community Box Programme as a lead local partner, and we will look to further support this wonderful initiative grow in the area.
The children Rackets Cubed works with are having a much harder lock-in than most of us. These families live on the Alton Estate, the largest council estate in Europe, in small flats. For these children and their parents, this lockdown is a very different experience and Rackets Cubed is trying to help them. The charity has started delivering to some of these families a ‘Community Box’ including food, activities and educational materials. On our first day of deliveries (Tuesday 14th April) 60 very grateful families took possession of these Community Boxes.
Thank you for any help that you can give: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/Roehamptoncommunitybox?utm_term=53EV4vw3q