Roehampton Club and Happiness ©
What is it about Roehampton Club that makes people happy?
Do you remember when you were a potential Member and attended the Director-led affiliation meeting? You were asked to outline why you wanted to join.
On each occasion that I have been there, I never heard anyone say that they wanted to join because it would make them happy.
But surely, that is the overarching reason for all of us? Please allow me to delve into this a wee bit and see if you agree with me.
First, we have to accept that for all of us, life is very different this year from last year. We have been subjected to massive change: a new monarchy, conflict, austerity, energy shortages, fuel, and food price increases – and so it goes on. Whatever your financial status in life, no one is exempt from the changes and the difficulties that have emerged. In a short sentence – we are at war with all its uncertainties, alarms, and dangers.
And in time of war, we tend to rely on the reliable, the known, the certain and the predictable. In other words, the Roehampton Club.
Let’s look at some of the component parts of the Club – the parts that make up the whole.
It is a sports club. It signifies good health, energy, and physical prowess.
It provides all of us with an Objective. ‘I’m just going to the Club’ actually means something significant whenever those words are used. We become purposeful.
The Club smiles. The Staff smile, the Members smile, the whole arena is designed to make you smile. The gardens smile. The golf course smiles.
Outside the Club there is a certain level of noise – often discordant and stress inducing. Enter the Club and the noise changes. These noises are welcoming as they represent activity, competition and fun.
Apart from sport, the Club offers friendship, mental stimulation, and a contrast to all other aspects of our lives.
It is for most Members a delight to see all ages sharing the Club. Kids get to see how adults behave. Veterans can revel in the prowess of the younger Members. Families are families together. It is an eclectic delight.
The Club offers friendship at a number of different levels. There are casual acquaintances, deeply felt relationships, kinship, and all degrees in-between. There are opportunities at the Club for everyone at every level of the friendship stepladder.
You can exercise your Brain as well as your Body: bridge, chess, snooker, reading, talks, demonstrations, visits – it’s all available. Just push the right buttons ….
This people thing needs further explanation. Here you can observe, experience, judge, emulate, like, dislike, socialise, ignore, converse, enjoy intimacy, revel in being alone in a crowd and just be you in the environment of your choice.
There are numerous practical reasons for coming to and being a Member of the Club. Do not under-estimate the value of a hot shower, ease of car parking, a ready meal, someone to organise one or more aspects of your life, to provide a home from home and an open ear.
At the Club you BELONG. We are tribal animals and belonging is vital to our welfare. Belonging creates pride, emotional bonding, loyalty and passion. We share a common language, often wear a Club uniform and take pride in our appearance.
You may have your own reasons why the Club makes you happy – but I am sure that they will only reinforce the unstated but totally understandable reasons why we are Members.
It is just the Club.
And we love it.
Duncan Christie-Miller
16 November 2022