Welcome back to swimming and Health Club facilities
From Monday 12th April to Sunday 18th April, we will continue to follow a Non-Term Time Swimming Pool Timetable for both swimming pools.
As always, we aim to operate as close to our ‘normal’ pool offering as possible, as this is even more crucial given the return of key pool activities like Hydro, Adult Swim Sessions and Swimming Lessons which will all return in the week commencing Monday 19th April.
Swimming Pool Opening Hours
Indoor Pool
Monday to Friday 6am – 9pm
Saturday and Sunday – 7am – 8pm
Outdoor Pool
Monday to Friday – 6am – 8pm
Saturday and Sunday – 7am – 7pm
Swim Sessions Available
Lane Swim = 6 Members per lane, 16yrs and above. Clockwise lane swimming.
Family Swim = Adult and child individual family session in one lane (no mixing of households). 6
swimmers max per lane.
12th April – 18th April Pool Timetable – Indoor and Outdoor Pool
Week commencing 12th April
◊ Changing room access for Indoor Swimmers only
◊ Spa re-opening – click for guidelines
◊ 12th April – 18th April Pool Timetable – Indoor and Outdoor Pool
Week commencing – 19th April
◊ Swimming Lessons 19th April
◊ Outdoor Adult Swim Sessions 19th April
◊ Outdoor Hydro Spin 19th April
◊ 19th April – 16th May Pool Timetable – Indoor and Outdoor Pool
Swimming – COVID Secure Reminder
To help us maintain the high standards and safety around the Health Club there are a few key things which Members can help with to ensure your experience is the best it can possibly be. Please see a few key areas below:
◊ Please arrive ‘Swim Ready’ for your session.
◊ Bring your own towel.
◊ Pre-shower before entering the swimming pools.
◊ If you need to overtake please do this briefly at the end of the pool.
◊ Please follow the rules in place for each activity, they have been put in place to ensure Member comfort and safety.
◊ Please follow the one-way systems in place.
If you have any questions speak to a Member of the Health Club team or please contact me directly.
Luke Fenton, Health Club Manager – Luke.fenton@roehamptonclub.co.uk