Your Power Decade –Discover Your Superpower!

5th October 8.30am – 2.30pm


If there was one thing we could do to achieve true happiness, wouldn’t we all do it? But life just isn’t that simple. Too often, we don’t make the most of the opportunities that come our way. Life can get in the way; we put our work, our children and our families before ourselves.

To be happy and successful, we have to work at it. It’s all too easy to just drift, allowing the years to slip by. But working towards success and happiness can be a fun, enlightening and pleasurable journey.

Our new flagship event, Your Power Decade – ‘Discover Your Superpower’ is about helping you discover, as well as re-discover, you! We’ll share with you real life experiences and how it is possible to build the self-confidence to reach out and grab those opportunities rather than let them pass you by.

It’s about giving yourself permission to go ahead and do something for you; something you are passionate about, that gives you immense joy and that heady feeling of empowerment. It’s about Finding Your Superpower, creating focus and freedom and enabling you to make your next decade your very own Power Decade.

Please use the discount code ROEHAMPTON25 at checkout to claim your 25% discount, making tickets just £45 instead of £60. Please note that the offer is valid on full price tickets only.

Purchase your tickets today at

Why Your Power Decade?

♥ How often do we look back and say, ‘where did the time go?’

♥ How many of us can hold our hand up and say, ‘I’ve achieved my dreams?’

♥ How many of us wonder, ‘Did I make the most of the opportunities that have come my way?’

♥ How many of us feel truly empowered and have the freedom to make the most of our next decade?

Sound familiar? Your Power Decade is about giving yourself permission to re-discover the magic and reignite the spark that lies within you.

Whether this is re-discovering or having a go at a sport or a hobby, deciding it’s time to throw out the bad habits, re-engaging with your love of art and culture that you’ve missed because life got in the way, re-igniting friendships and relationships or discovering new ones… our conference will inspire you to seize these opportunities, and more!

Discovering Your Superpower!

We know the theory behind positive thinking and using positive language to develop a strong mindset, but it’s not easy to achieve when you’re juggling partners, children, parents, jobs, admin and just getting by in our daily lives. However, it can be possible when you discover your superpower!

It’s all about discovering what excites you, what you’re passionate about, what gives you joy, discovering purpose and what drives you to achieve success, and it comes from within you.

Discovering your Superpower is …

♥ Discovering that feeling of empowerment and liberation,

♥ Having the confidence to strike out on your own personal journey of self-discovery and

♥ Giving yourself permission to go and make the most of your next decade

Your Power Decade is …

♥ Changing the narrative and learning how you can achieve what you may think is impossible,

♥ Giving you the inspiration to seize those opportunities with both hands and

♥ Having the resources, the security and the freedom to make the most of your next decade

Join us as we learn about self-empowerment and how it can help you achieve anything you put your mind to, and inspire you to seize those opportunities.

Really Helpful Club brings together our community with highly experienced, focused, inspirational industry professionals and thought leaders to share their knowledge, insights, tips and advice through a series of informative, inspiring and interactive talks and roundtable sessions.

A journey of self-discovery and empowerment to explore what truly excites you, to find happiness and success, empowering you to make the most of your Power Decade, this transformational event will include keynote talks and panellist discussions on:

♥ The power of positive language to fuel confidence and self belief

♥ Learning to trust your instincts and listen to your gut

♥ The power of a positive mindset: learning to face fears and overcome challenge

♥ The importance of resilience and financial freedom.

♥ Finding connection: relationships, friendship, desire and love

♥ The transformational power of exercise and good habits

♥ The importance of self-care

♥ The power of rediscovering your passion and finding joy in what you do

Join us and discover or re-discover something new about you and be inspired!

Our speakers include:

Lara Milward – ‘Connect body and mind: Unleash your Superpower!’

Purusha Gordon – ‘The Power of a positive mindset – learning to face fears and grow from failure’

Pam Custers – ‘Finding connection: relationships, friendships, desire and love’

Holly Whelan – ‘Harnessing the transformational power of good habits’

Sarah Weston – ‘Rediscover your passion and find joy in what you do’

This is your perfect opportunity to discover who you are as much as what you have. Our speakers and panellists will be sharing their amazing life experiences with you, giving you an inside view from the people who have been there, seen it and done it!

Tickets include a light breakfast, coffee and refreshments and a buffet lunch.

For more information head to