Updates and latest information

Racquets Director’s Diary

The autumn term starts on Monday 5th September and due to the continuing works on courts 7 to 10, the Club has lost the use of these courts. This will mean that until the airhall opens later in November the tennis courts will be extremely busy at peak times.

We would be grateful for Members’ understanding and patience at this time. It’s just a 10-week period and will be worth it when we open the new airhall and have 10 indoor courts during the upcoming and future winter months.

Please see the list of coaching and social sessions that will run from 5th September. We have also added some fun new adult sessions:

(please note that some sessions are only bookable seven days in advance, the link will not show upcoming sessions until it is within seven days).

Liveball Tennis

Liveball tennis combines doubles tennis with fast-moving exercise. It’s an extended version of doubles ‘King of the Court’. The non-stop action leaves little time to think, and makes you focus on hitting the ball. Suitable for all levels, this high-paced and social game is played with five to eight players per session.

The session takes place on Tuesday mornings at 10am. Sign up here: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/liveball

Cardio Tennis

Cardio Tennis is an engaging group fitness session featuring the heart pumping effects of tennis drills, games, and skills delivering the ultimate full body and calorie burning aerobic and anaerobic workout. The session is delivered with softer orange balls making it easy for all abilities to take part.

This session takes place on Saturday mornings at 10am and you can sign up here: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/cardio

Pay and Plays

The pay and play sessions provide a mix of tactical doubles coaching as well as social organised play and are a great way to meet other Members and improve your doubles skills in a fun relaxed way.

Monday Pay and Play –  https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/Mondaypandp

Saturday Pay and Play – https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/satpayandplay

Ladies’ morning

This is a relaxed social tennis session for all ladies in the red, orange, and green standards from the player standard guide. Coffee and biscuits are served at the end of the session.

Sign up here: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/ladiesmorning1

Vets Matchplay

This session is for anyone over the age of 50 and consists of doubles match play practice. It’s suitable for green, purple and blue players. Sign up here; https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/vetsplay

(Please note, this is only available to book seven days in advance)

American Doubles

The American tournament is a fun round-robin mixed doubles competition. Players will be paired by the coach and mix up each round. This session is suitable for orange, green or purple players from the player standard guide that can be found on the website and tennis noticeboard. Sign up here: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/american

(Please note, from September this session is only available to book seven days in advance).

Tennis Club Night

This is a relaxed social tennis session for all Members in the red, orange, and green standards from the player standard guide. The session is coach led and consists of organised doubles matches. This session can be booked seven days in advance at Reception or on 020 8480 4200.

18-35s social tennis

This is a match play and drill session suitable for players aged between 18 and 35 that are green, purple, blue or silver on the playing standard guide.

Sign up here: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/1835s  (Please note, this is only available to book seven days in advance)

Ladies Pickleball Morning

This session runs on the last Thursday of the month and replaces the ladies tennis morning. The Pickleball courts are set out in the ITC and the club supplies all the equipment necessary.

Sign up here: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/pickle

All the sessions above including padel and squash lesson bookings can be made through this link: https://roehamptonclubracquets.as.me/schedule.php

Autumn term Junior tennis lessons

We still have some spaces for the junior courses, but the Junior tennis lessons for next term are filling up.

Click here for timetable and booking links

Dan Lott, Racquets’ Director – dan.lott@roehamptonclub.co.uk