Racquet Director’s Diary

It is very disappointing the Club has to close as I am sure all our tennis players are going to miss the game for the next few months. I believe it is important to stay positive in these times and when the Club can open the courts again, I think it will be for the long term. I hope the weather will have also improved by then and we will all be ready to go into the spring/summer season full of excitement. Just last week in a meeting Peter Bradburn, the Club’s Course and Ground Manager mentioned that by mid-February his team would be starting to prep the grass courts ready for the summer. The work on the Padel courts is also due to start next week with an April completion date, so there are lots of things that Members can look forward to once we are through the task of staying at home and beating this virus!

This week I am entering all Roehampton’s teams into the summer competitions in the hope that we can host another ‘tennis success party’ in the autumn after winning various leagues and tournaments over the summer season. Therefore, it is important to remember we can all look forward to experiencing the Club at its best in future months.

In the meantime, we must do what we can at home and stay fit and healthy so we can return to the game in the best shape possible. Going for runs, skipping, volleys and racket skills in the garden! Anything you can think of to keep active!

There is now an online lesson hub link on the Members’ website with various lessons you can view at home. I will add to these over the coming weeks:


If anyone would like me to cover certain things in any of these lessons, please email me and let me know at dan.lott@roehamptonclub.co.uk

Dan Lott, Racquets Director