Racquets Director’s Diary

Tennis updates and latest information

Club Championships Finals Day and After Party

On Saturday 22nd June some of the Club’s top tennis players battled it out at this year’s Tennis Club Championships in glorious sunshine. Then, in the evening, Members got together for the tennis section prize-giving and afterparty with live music from Halfway to New York, outdoor bars and a delicious buffet.

Click here for the 2024 Tennis Club Championships Roll of Honour

Tennis WhatsApp Community

Join the Tennis WhatsApp Community to receive tennis updates via WhatsApp.
Open this link on your mobile phone: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G9ogkasvgRHBIqic0Pu4AT

Members using ball hoppers

If you use your own ball hooper to practice with your children, please ensure you only use courts 6 and 11 where netting runs across to separate the courts and stop balls going across and disturbing play on other courts.

Drinks in Indoor Courts

Please can all Members ensure only water is taken into the Indoor Courts. I have noticed more and more stains on the indoor surfaces from coffee and other drinks. Thank you.

Use of Ball Machines

Please note that the tennis committee have decided that the ball machine can now only be used on indoor courts at off peak times. Therefore between 9am and 12pm on weekends and 9am to 12pm and 4pm to 9pm on weekdays indoor court 1 should not be booked if you plan on using the ‘Slinger’ ball machine. The ball machines can be used at anytimes on the allocated outdoor courts which are courts 6 and 11.

Success and Congratulations

National Champions


Late September, Roehampton Club’s Mens and Ladies’ First Teams headed to Bournemouth in the bid to be crowned National Champions.


The Mens Team managed to retain the title with a great performance defeating Sutton in a repeat of last years final.


Mens Team

Charlie Broom, Lloyd Glasspool, Arthur Fery, Nik Snapes (Capt.) George Houghton, Anton Matusevich

Unfortunately, the Ladies’ Team narrowly lost in the final to a very strong team from Sutton but put up a great fight in both the doubles matches and nearly took the match to a shootout.


Congratulations to all the players and captains for a great performance over the season.


Ladies’ team

Steph Cornish, Lucy Brown, Laura Deigman (Capt.) Georgie Axon, Amani Banks, Katie O’Brien

CTC Irish friendly Competition


Roehampton Club Members travelled to Dublin to compete in the Irish CTC Competition last weekend at Carrickmines Tennis Club. The CTC competition involves all tennis clubs that are over 100 years old. Each year one of the clubs host various junior and adult competitions and friendly matches.


This year Roehampton Club competed against Winchester, Cumberland and Carrickmines. Overall the team finished second but more importantly had some fun evenings in Dublin!