Racquet Director’s Diary

Roehampton Tennis Club Championships 2020

I’m pleased to say that the Club Championships were a big success with over 120 players taking part. I want to thank everyone who took part for making it a such a great week. I really enjoyed organising it and seeing so many Members take part in the different events. We were also blessed with great weather on finals day and the standard of all the matches were the best I have seen so far. Congratulations to all our champions! I am already looking forward to next year’s event!

Click here for the Finals Day photos

Roll of Honour

Men’s Open Singles Champion – Ed Corrie
Runner up – Oli Golding
Ladies Open Singles Champion – Katie O’Brien
Runner up – Oriana Parkins-Godwin
Men’s Open Doubles Champions – Oli Golding and Jack Sinik
Runner up – Josh Miller and Ollie Lucas
Ladies Open Doubles Champions – Katie O’Brien and Hannah Klugm
Runner up – Kathryn Blayze and Isabella Townsend
Mixed Open Doubles Champions – James Spooner and Rachel Godsave
Runner up – John Sinik and Pippa Horn
Over 45’s Ladies Doubles Champions – Joy Tacon and Lily Brown
Runner up – Nicki Walker and Nicola Dearman
Over 45’s Men’s Singles Champions – Fred Warneryd#
Runner up – Tim Webb
Over 45’s Men’s Doubles Champions – John Sinik and Fred Warneryd
Runner up – Jan Menneken and William Husband
Over 45’s Mixed Doubles Champions – Jan Menneken and Sara Levy
Runner up – John Paish and Mikaela Parker
Over 60’s Men’s Singles Champion – Rob Dickson
Runner up – Peter Dunning
Over 70’s Men’s Doubles Champions – Matthew Salisbury and Graham Rowbotham
Runner up – Nicholas Baybutt and Philip Howard
Men’s Handicap Singles Champion – Craig Da Silva
Runner up – Ollie Lucas
Mixed Handicap Doubles Champions – Charles Bowen-Rayner and Sasha Levy
Runner up – Feargus Murphy and Stephanie Williams

Grass Courts

The small block of grass courts (25 to 28) are now closed so the grounds team can start to reseed them in preparation for next year. The large block (19 to 24) will close this Sunday, so this weekend will be your last opportunity to play on the grass this year. The courts have been fantastic this year as always and it was great that we could play most of the Club Championships on these courts.

New Covid-19 Guidelines

I’m sure everyone has seen the recent changes in the law regarding social gatherings and activity. For informal social play, from Monday 14th September group size is limited to a maximum of six people by law. This means you can play tennis providing people only meet up with no more than five other people from different households and observe social distancing guidelines. People should not go to a tennis venue socially in groups of more than six.

The government has confirmed that organised activity for larger groups, including coached sessions, club nights and competitions is permitted as an exception to the limit of six, provided the activity is in accordance with the COVID-19 Secure guidelines published by the LTA for venues, coaches, players and competitions. The Government has made it clear that organised larger group tennis activity is only permitted where this is the case.

Pay and Play

If you are looking to improve your doubles tactics and positioning ready for your league matches or just want general doubles practice and advice, the pay and play sessions are perfect for you. These sessions have now restarted on Mondays and Fridays on courts 7 and 8 between 10am till 11:30am. If you are interested, please book at Reception.

Club Social Sessions

◊ With the closure of the grass courts, Club Night will now take place in the ITC and smash courts on Wednesday evenings.
◊ 18-35’s Social Tennis will continue on courts 12 to 14 at 7:30pm on Mondays
◊ Ladies’ morning on Thursdays will be in the ITC from 9:30am to 11am.
◊ Vets match-play will take place on 12 to 14 every Thursday at 1:30pm till 3pm.
◊ Club afternoon on Saturdays 3pm until 4:30pm will take place on courts 12 to 14.

Please continue to sign up for these sessions each week at Reception and follow the guidelines below:


◊ All coaches and participants in your sessions should undergo a pre attendance self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms using the information on the NHS website before leaving home.

◊ No-one should leave home to participate in tennis if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19, currently recognised as any of:

– A high temperature

– A new, continuous cough

– A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste

◊ Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.


◊ Players should turn up just before the session start time.
◊ Please go straight to the courts and avoid social gatherings before and after the session.
◊ Please use the on-court hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the courts.#
◊ Players are advised to limit their interactions with anyone outside of the group they are attending the venue with (e.g. players on another court or in a different coaching group)
◊ Players should continue to maintain social distancing from those that they do not live with or are in a support bubble with.
◊ If you are in a clinically vulnerable group (e.g. over 70) you can play tennis but should be especially careful and diligent about social distancing and hand hygiene.

Junior Group Tennis Lessons

Click here to download the timetable  If you are interested in joining a junior coaching session please contact Nikolai.snapes@roehamptonclub.co.uk

Dan Lott | Racquets Director | dan.lott@roehamptonclub.co.uk