PhotoClub Summer Outings

Open to all Members, the PhotoClub have arranged three, day-long outings with PhotoClub tutor Nigel Wilson during the summer holidays.

There are still spaces available on the trips to Rochester and Bath.

There will be 8-10 attenders on each visit and there are 3-4 places still available to book on each trip.

Meet each day at 10.30 on site of the trip and get the plan for the day.

Full details including meeting places and equipment will be provided nearer the time.

The cost depends on the number of participants but will be roughly £70 per person plus personal travel costs.

A visit to Rochester Thursday 17th August

The visit will concentrate on the cathedral and the surrounding area then a walk round Dickensian Rochester with a stop for lunch. Car sharing is possible, journey time approx. one and half hours and similar time by train. There will be a follow up zoom meeting to share some of your work with the group.

A visit to Bath Thursday 14th September

Enjoy a visit to the Baths and the Georgian area of the city looking at architecture in large scale and the finer details. There is the possibility of staying in Bath on the Wednesday evening or driving both ways in the day. Car sharing is possible. There will be a follow up zoom meeting to share some of your work with the group.

For further details and to book a place please contact Sarah Smith on 077761 83956 or at or contact Peter Buckingham on 077791 33753 or at