
The PhotoClub members continue to enjoy classes with our excellent tutor Nigel Wilson.

Nigel is a highly respected tutor who teaches and lectures at the V&A, the Royal Photographic Society and many PhotoClubs in the South of England.

Our third session this year of five weekly classes begins on the Thursday 18th of April. There will be a class in the morning and an identical class again in the afternoon, in order to accommodate the number of students as there are too many for just one lesson.

We have taken the opportunity to book Nigel for classes in mid September and early November. Our year concludes with our Annual Christmas Lunch for class participants and invitees on the 5th of December.

We would welcome new members so, if this is of interest, please do not hesitate to  contact me. My email is and my mobile is 07828 121 535.

Richard Le Vesconte, PhotoClub Chair

Reminder – Annual Photo Exhibition

The deadline for entries in this year’s Annual Photo Exhibition for all Members is 17th April.

Click here for more information