PhotoClub Focus

A Happy New Year to all photographers.


Monet Exhibition at the Courtauld Institute of Art


I recently visited the Courtauld Institute of Art to see the Monet exhibition which was wonderful. It really emphasised how much photographers have in common with artists. Monet’s fascination with light, mist or smog was used to create his set of atmospheric views of the Thames around London Bridge.


We, as, photographers are always looking for ways to use the elements of weather to help us create our images. I also thought it is not only a place to see amazing works of art but the building itself has so many possibilities for us and our cameras.

We have been blessed with wonderful weather, albeit a little on the chilly side to capture the morning mists and rime covered trees recently.


PhotoClub Classes


The new term of classes with Nigel Wilson starts on Thursday 16th January with morning and afternoon classes at 10am to 12.30pm or 1pm to 3.30pm.


There are spaces available, and booking can be made through Reception.


For more information, please contact Peter Buckingham at  Classes run 16th January to 13th February then 27th February to 27th March.

Dates for your diary

On Wednesday 29th January at 6pm in the Art Studio there will be a review of photographs taken on our visit to Kew Gardens last September and our Autumn Walk round the grounds of Roehampton Club, followed by supper for those that wish to join us.

Click here for the poster

For more information, please contact Gina Danon at

On Tuesday 18th February there will be an interesting walk led by Paul Talling around Battersea hearing about the history of the area and looking at how the area has changed over the centuries.

Click here for the poster

We will have a return visit from our Lightroom expert Adrian Beasley on Saturday 15th March who will run a full day workshop.

On Wednesday 19th March an unguided group walk will meet at Westminster Tube station at 2.30pm, stopping for tea at the National Theatre and possibly staying on for sunset at 6.12pm.

There will be another unguided walk on Wednesday 9th April to a garden close by to enjoy the spring flowers – details to follow.

Summer term’s dates for classes with Nigel Wilson will be Thursday 24th April to 22nd May.

The annual Photoclub exhibition will be from Monday 26th May to Friday 6th June.  Open to all photographers at the Roehampton Club, members and staff.

Sarah Smith, PhotoClub Chair