Member, Alan Paton introduces a new book:
Integrated Ongoing Neurological Support in the Community – MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Local medical charity shows the way – support in the community for those with neurological conditions makes a big difference
Over 5% of UK adults – nearly three million people – have a neurological condition; Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Brain Tumour, Motor Neurone disease, and many more, all affecting the person for the rest of their life.
Following the initial diagnosis and treatment of a condition the National Health Service (NHS) provides time-limited periods of outpatient therapy to neurological patients after which the patient is usually discharged, even whilst having persisting or deteriorating disabilities.
They return home with most support being provided by a family member. They will often have to call again on hospital or GP help and their quality of life is poor. The situation is especially complicated as neurological conditions can affect many different systems of the body and for any individual there is no single discipline that combats the disease.
There is a better way. There is enormous scope for improving the quality of life for those with neurological conditions. A recent report from the MS Society, Neurology now – The case for a new approach to neurology services, summarises its recent studies and latest research. It says:
…. There’s strong evidence showing continued, coordinated multi-disciplinary rehabilitation in the community improves long-term outcomes and can help to reduce hospital re-admissions. Self-management and preventative measures supported by trained healthcare professionals are invaluable to people with neurological conditions to prevent decline and ill-health.
…. NHS bodies should explore opportunities to partner with charity and third sector organisations locally to offer truly joined-up care for people with neurological conditions.
A remarkable book – Integrated Ongoing Neurological Support in the Community – MAKING A DIFFERENCE – just published shows these ideas in action and the benefits achieved.
The book shows how those with neurological conditions and their carers benefit from integrated ongoing support provided in the local community and self-help, and how lives can be improved. There is great scope to improve the quality of life.
In the largest part of this amazing book 17 individuals – with neurological conditions and carers – describe their experiences and how they benefited from integrated local support in the community provided by the medical charity, Integrated Neurological Services (INS) based in Twickenham and operating throughout Hounslow and Richmond.
What they have to say is well organised helping the reader take in all the information and the lessons learnt. Topics typically covered are (1) Time of diagnosis – the experience. (2) The journey for you and your family. What issues did you have? (3) Involvement with INS. How this helped you? (4) What else helped on your journey? (5) What suggestions do you have for the service?
Under (3) the therapy and support provided by INS includes, for example, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech and Language therapy, and Social work. Also very popular and effective is working in groups covering such topics as Living well, Symptom management, Communication, Mind, Body and Spirit, and Expanding Horizons. INS volunteers play an important part providing help on social and family matters.
In a separate chapter the book provides the highly valuable experience and advice of a retired GP with a neurological condition, Parkinson’s, how it impacted him and how he successfully manages his condition. In another chapter a graphic designer who gave up her career to care for her husband for 13 years after he was diagnosed with a brain tumour explains how she maintained her own health and enjoyed life again even whilst caring for a terminally ill husband.
Other parts of the book cover advances in rehabilitation, how issues can be addressed and summarises best practice based on the lessons of experience.
For anyone involved with or concerned about a neurological condition or such conditions in general, this book is a must read!
The book is independently self-published on Amazon, and all the proceeds from sales are donated to Integrated Neurological Services (INS), the Twickenham based medical charity.
Purchase via Amazon at:
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