Men’s Golf Seniors Report
Despite the erratic and rather cold weather of late, there are definite signs that spring is in the air. The days are getting longer, and we are now less than two weeks away from the Equinox. The course is recovering well after what seems like many tons of sand being spread on greens and fairways. The seniors are also sending out invitations to play in our first matches of the season, starting on Monday 28th March against Surbiton.
The draws are being made for our summer competitions and seniors will be contacted once the draws have been published.
Those captaining the teams for our matches use IG to choose the players for their team. I would be grateful if all seniors could sign up on IntelligentGolf (IG) to the senior squad and indicate those matches for which they are available. By early next week, the teams for the first few matches will have been chosen. Don’t miss out by not putting yourself down as available to play.
While we are still playing casual winter golf, there continues to be odd happening to report, including one involving our Club Chairman, Alan Jenkins. What is it about the 11th hole? Some years ago, it was reported that a gull tried to help our chairman out on this hole by carrying his golf ball some 50 yards nearer to the hole and then dropping it. This time an eagle was involved. Playing on Friday 25th February with a group of friends, Alan’s second shot into the sun, with the flag on the lower part of the green, disappeared without trace. After searching for it for the allowed minutes the group gave up and asked Alan to put another ball down. Suddenly with a cheeky smile one of the friends said ‘maybe it is in the hole’. And there it was! One of those playing suggested that we should call the Chairman ‘Alan the Eagle’.
This week we held a different competition, pitting the older seniors against their younger brethren. With a field of 28 on a fine spring day, the dividing line was under 75 versus 75s and over. Obviously, the handicapping system should ensure an even contest when playing a Stableford competition despite the disparity in ages.
Congratulations to the Under 75s, scoring a total of 275 Stableford points, narrowly beating the over 75s, who scored 273 Stableford points. Congratulations must also go to Nigel Brown, who scored a magnificent total of 42 points, beating John Fooks, with 39 points.
Please note that sign up for the March Grail opens at 07:00 next Wednesday.