Men’s Golf Seniors Report
We are now well into the new golfing year and, playing on Wednesday last week in the sunshine, it felt as if it would not be long until spring. We already have almost an hour longer of daylight in the evening and half an hour in the mornings than on the shortest day and this will be reflected in the availability of tee times in the coming months.
We have had Roll-Up competitions on the past two Wednesdays. On 2nd February a team Stableford competition was played with a yellow ball. As I mentioned in the last edition of the Recorder, a team’s prospects are ruined if a player manages to lose the yellow ball and I duly did so on the 11th hole. All teams but mine managed to complete their rounds and hand back the yellow ball at the end. Congratulations to the winning team of Danny Gesua, Hassan Dajani and Kevin Doyle with a magnificent total of 118 points.
Another Roll-Up was held yesterday with each player having a joker to double their score on a hole nominated before teeing off. The winners were the team comprising of: Danny Gesua, Gilbert Ellacombe and Rocky Mowat. The team finished with 93 points, eight points ahead of the runners-up – Ian Taylor-Restell, David Todd and Michael Godfrey.
The Grail is normally competed for on the last Wednesday of the month but this month the February Grail is taking place on Wednesday 16th February because of scheduled course maintenance later in the month. Sign up is already open.
We have a full programme of matches starting on 28th March – not long away now. All Seniors with a handicap are eligible for selection and are invited join the Senior squad and indicate, through the website, the matches for which they are available for selection. My intention is that everyone should have an opportunity to play at least once but preference will be given to those who regularly support Seniors’ events. Teams will be captained by a Member of the Seniors’ Committee who will select the team.
We like our teams to play in Senior’s kit. Dark Sweaters (wool or cotton) and pale blue polo shirts with the appropriate logos can be purchased via the Sports Shop which will order them specially from suppliers if you provide a note of what you need including your size. Louis Laville and Ricky Pharo are organising this. Because of the lead time, orders need to be in this month.