Men’s Golf Report

Winter, winter, winter; I think we’ve all had enough of it, but there seems to be no end in sight. At least the golf course is open at the time of writing, having been closed for three of the past five days. How I envied the professionals playing in the California sunshine over the weekend, apart from when Rory McIlroy made a triple bogey at the fourth hole in the final round, which included a 3 putt. It all started with him missing the fairway and the outcome was that he finished three shots behind the eventual winner, Adam Scott.

An additional issue with the recurring wet weather is the need for temporary greens, and this was the case with Saturday’s Club Roll-Up kindly organised by Roger Perry. It was originally planned as a qualifying competition, but the need for temporary greens on four holes meant this was not possible. Note that according to Congu rules ‘there may be no more than two temporary greens’. Nonetheless, fourteen players had an enjoyable morning battling the breeze! 

The Alan Scott Trophy 2020 is now fully subscribed, with 69 players, and will be played on this Saturday 22nd February, subject to the behaviour of the rain gods. Last year’s winner, Sophie Dawes will be defending her trophy and I’m hoping to see some great scores on the day.

The next Club Roll-ups are on Saturday 7th March, when we’ll run qualifying AM and PM competitions for the first time in 2020, if the weather allows us!

By the end of this week we should have notices in the locker rooms and the sign-up sheet on the board at Club Reception for the inaugural Ireland vs. Rest of the World on Saturday 14th March, a mixed event.

Some of you may have heard of Mickey Wright, a four-time US Women’s Open champion and considered one of the most accomplished players in golf history. Her golf swing is still considered one of the best-ever in the game. Ben Hogan said as much, praise indeed. Mickey passed away on 17th February 2020, aged 85. Take a look at her wonderful swing in slow motion here:

Gerry Dennigan | Men’s Golf Captain