Men’s Golf Captain’s Blog

Since my last report a number of storms and the inclement weather have limited our opportunities to play competitive golf. On many occasions general play cards have not been allowed as the course did not comply with R&A rules.

Temporary greens meant a reduction in yardage and of course the attractive bucket holes although popular, meant cards could not be submitted. Some players who were not aware of this had submitted cards to be informed later that their attractive scores could not be accepted.

Our Scratch section has slightly changed with a first team and a developmental squad now formed. It is anticipated that this will increase competition for selection and it is hoped it will drive the Club to greater success with the ambition to become the best scratch team in Surrey.

We have agreed to propose to the Golf Committee an increase to the entry fees for most competitions to mitigate any financial losses the Men’s section have incurred over the preceding seasons.

The proposed prices are Roll Ups £5, standard competitions £10 and board / majors £15. These will have to be approved by the Golf Committee

Our Senior section is hugely popular and run with precision and style by Douglas, for which I am eternally grateful.


The Christmas Charity Day on Saturday 16th December 2023 proved hugely popular. We started with complimentary tea, coffee and delicious pastries which allowed people to meet and chat and highlighted our charity, Small Steps. This was a mixed shotgun event consisting of teams of four with lots of fun side hustles such as nearest the pins, a mulligan and other imaginative rule adaptations.

Everyone retired to the bar for the prize giving and an auction. Members were incredibly generous and we raise over £3000 for Small Steps. I would like to thank all who participated and made this a fun and successful day. Also a big thank you to our substitute Auctioneer Mr Keith Duncan who stood in at the last moment to assist .

The Christmas Foursomes

This was held on Boxing Day and although the Clubhouse was closed a lot of Members turned up. Congratulations to the winners Harry and Kate Blake.

Monthly Stablefords

We held the December and January Stablefords with full fields playing in poor conditions returning great scores.

The Four Club Challenge

Played on 6th January, this is one of the most enjoyable events of the golfing year and proved once again to be very popular. Players have to use their imagination and see and shape shots that they would not normally be required to do.

Surprisingly a lot of players played to and above their handicaps which illustrates that we may not need to fill our golf bags full of clubs and less clubs may well do the job. Maybe next year we can reduce it to a three club competition.

Roll ups

These continue to prove popular with Members. Meeting when it is still dark and cold to play golf is frontier golf and shows the mettle of our section. Particular praise should go to our Chairman Niels who has started his golfing year with some low scores, Gross 70 in a roll up and a second place on countback in the four club competition. This year he may well reach scratch.

Captain and Pro


Ricky and I had a wonderful match, the first of 2024 against a very competitive Derek Mason and Paul Taylor.Derek and Paul were 3 down after 10 and drew level on the 15. Nervously we stood on the 16th and watched Ricky drive magnificently and land a birdie. Gratefully the 17th was halved with a win on the 18th by two holes. Thank you gents for a great game of golf.


Future Competitions


I have been warned that this is the lull before an avalanche of golf with a packed diary beckoning. I am really looking forward to assisting Members to play as much golf as possible and will work with Simon, Louis and Matt to achieve this.


We have the Alan Scott Trophy on Saturday 17th February.


Thank you, and I wish you all a great golfing year.


Peter McGovern, Men’s Golf Captain