Men’s Golf Captain’s Blog

Autumn Meeting

Last weekend, over 100 Members entered the 36-hole competition. With the course in superb condition (thanks again to David and his team) and the weather good, there were some excellent scores. Entrants will have received details of all the winners of the various categories (including your Captain – best ‘veteran’ on day one!) but in particular many congratulations to the following:

  • Autumn Challenge Cup / 36-hole scratch winner: Luke Gorman (handicap -1) – with a level par score. Runner-Up was Connor Hamilton (-1) on one over par, with Vince Thorne in third at two-over.
  • Whitney Challenge Cup / 36-hole handicap winner: David Rimmer (8) – with a seven under par score. Mathew Woolston (17) was runner-up on three under, on countback from Roy Martin (7).
  • Polo Cup / Spring and Autumn Meetings combined (handicap): Greg Whitaker.
  • Eastman Cup / Spring and Autumn Meetings combined (scratch): Luke Gorman.

Please click here for the full list of prize winners.

The winners will receive their trophies at the Men’s Dinner on Friday, 18th November.

Captain and Past Captains vs the Club


On 3rd September, we had an excellent match (followed by a very enjoyable lunch) which saw the Past Captains side prevail 5½ to 2½ against a strong Club side, led by Simon Butler. It was great to win, and it was made even more enjoyable as we welcomed back to the Club, past-captains Tim Fulstow and Gerald O’Mahoney, we had some of the very best players in the Club playing, and Tristan McIllroy played for the Club side (playing with Simon, he birdied the last to secure a half against Gerry Dennigan and I).


There will be more about Tristan’s contribution to the Club in my next blog.

Captain and Pro Challenge Series


Playing with Ricky on 4th September, the match vs Richard C Williams and Martin Horswood was first-class. With 14 birdies and one eagle scored between the four of us, Ricky and I won on the last after being three down with five to play. Ricky shot 66, and I played OK too …


I have just two matches left before my series ends for my Captaincy year – against Michael Murray and Ian Hay, and against Richard Spalding and Roy Martin.

Surrey Golf

Congratulations to Pete Crocombe and Max Stanley for reaching the final of the Surrey Club Foursomes Championship, held at West Surrey Golf Club earlier this month. Sadly, they lost in the final to a pair from West Surrey.

European Legends Pro-Am

This was held on 5th September. The Club welcomed three former Ryder Cup players among the group of Professionals that played – Philip Price, David Gilford and Steve Richardson. It was an excellent day, with £5000 raised for the ReGenerate charity (the Captain’s Charity) and the Ruth Strauss Foundation. The team competition was won by Philip Price, Gerry Dennigan, Peter McGovern and Marcus Carrigan. Gary Marks won the Pro competition, shooting a 66.

Club Roll-ups

The Men’s Golf Committee has decided that the Club Roll-Ups should return to the pre-Covid Roll-Up arrangements – i.e. roll-up on the morning (afternoons in the summer) and groups decided upon arrival. We will let Members know when the changed format will commence within the next couple of weeks, and we will review how the arrangements work at the end of the year.

Golf Committee

The Committee chaired by Niels Verbeek met on 6th September. Among the issues discussed were Junior golf at the Club, the new nets (the nets on the 10th hole are to be erected mid-October), the Ibstock School climbing wall, the future building of the Indoor Golf Centre and Sports Shop, winter golfing arrangements and the upkeep of the practice green on the side of the 18th hole (pitchmarks aren’t being repaired).

Men’s Competitions

Over the next month, the following competitions are scheduled (details on IG):

  • Club Roll-up – 17th September
  • Club Stableford – 1st October
  • Club Roll-Up – 2nd October
  • Scratch Medal – 8th October (open to all players with a handicap of 6.1 or less)
  • Captains Drive-In – 15th October

I hope that as many Members as possible will sign-up for the Captains Drive-in on Saturday 15th October, the day when Simon Butler and Charlotta Lyckeus become our Captains for 2022/23.

Happy golfing everyone.
