Ladies’ Golf Blog
Well done everyone who played in the Annual Stableford; according to Dhiren one of our lovely Course Marshals, every group was round in 3 hours and 40 minutes.
There are still plenty of tee times for the Annual Medal (Tuesday 4th May). Under the World Handicap System. If one of your best eight rounds is not likely to be dropped out by your medal round for this competition, your handicap will not change unless you play a blinder. Sign up, be courageous.
Centenary Bowl
First Match away v Addington Palace on 13th May. Good luck though you do not need it! Heather Webber, Danit Birn and Debs Good make up this year’s reduced team. This is a scratch competition for handicaps of 10 – 18 with our lowest handicaps in this range representing us.
Wallis Trophy
First match away to Banstead Downs will take place on 24th May. The team will be announced nearer the time.
Friendly Matches
We will be having a few friendly matches this year – please indicate your availability on IG. If you do not know how to do this, please ask one of the Committee or Louis Laville, Golf and Games Assistant – The first match is away to Clandon Regis on 24th May.
Surrey Competitions
We are a Surrey Club and as such everyone is entitled to enter any Surrey competitions for which they are eligible. All their competitions are available on The two events that might apply to some of you this year are:
Over 65+ Wimbledon Park 2 September 2021 Autumn Meeting Farnham 22 September 2021
For those of you old enough to enter, it is well worth playing Wimbledon Park a fabulous old course (established in 1898) right on our doorstep which will sadly no longer be 18 holes at the end of this year.
Eclectic Competition
Please sign up for this competition. It helps to focus one’s round and all proceeds go to the Captain’s charity. You can do so by emailing Louis at
Weekend Stableford – Saturday 8th May
There are still plenty of spaces. Ladies, if you do not support our competitions, we will lose tee times. None of us have played much over the winter, we are all trying to get back to form but you must get back in the saddle at some point.
I would kindly ask that you all please be considerate of other Members who you sign up to play with and if you must withdraw or change your tee time would you please try out of courtesy to notify them. It can have unaccountable consequences.
Equally don’t forget that if you only wish to play 9 holes on an 18-hole day you should be signing up after 15:30 for the time being. You should not be walking off and leaving other players in the tee time high and dry. It is very easy to send a message via IG on your phones to other Members. If you do not know how to do this, please ask a Committee member or Louis.
Angela Atkins | Ladies’ Golf Captain