Ladies’ Golf Blog
After the Captain’s wonderful last blog, I feel I came up woefully short. He put into words what so many of us are feeling and I can only echo his words.
Our first competition it feels like for years happened last Tuesday with 60 ladies competing for the George Gadd and Grannies Vase Trophy. There were some fantastic scores, most notably Therese Swanson who won the George Gadd narrowly beating newcomer Siobain Rolston and by Jane Peel who won the Grannies Vase at her second attempt.
The Annual Seniors v Ladies match took place on Friday in a slightly truncated and socially distanced fashion ably organised by Quentin and Tricia, it was a lovely day and the matches were very close ending in an honourable half. All played in good spirits and I can only urge those who did not sign up for this year to do so for next year, it is a thoroughly enjoyable day.
The Club Championship had its first of two rounds on Saturday with a splendid round of 69 (gross) from Lauren Gooding meriting her a cut in handicap from 1 to 0! All to play for this Saturday. Annabell Fuller carded a level Par score of 72 but is unable to play in the second round as she, along with her sister Sammy are playing in the English Women’s Amateur Championship at Woodhall Spa. We also have Issy Simpson representing Roehampton Club. It is fantastic to have three Club Members playing in this elite national event.
The first round of the 9-hole 4BBB knock out has been completed and we have introduced a plate competition for all those knocked out in the first round. Thank you to Caroline Dewar and Jenny Carter for organising this and running it so efficiently. The committee hope you have enjoyed it and will enter next year although be warned it might be over 18 holes; we can all dream.
Do not forget that Bridget Barton is running the eclectic competition electronically! So, send in your improved scores.
The Committee have been meeting during the lock down and trying to come up with ideas to keep you interested in golf. They are a great support to me, and a very cohesive team so please do thank them for the hard work they do on your behalf behind the scenes, when you see them.
There are several Members who have achieved their first handicaps who I hope you will welcome when you come across them. I will get a list put on the notice board once the changing rooms are back up and running.
Angela Atkins | Ladies’ Golf Captain