Ladies’ Golf Blog 

Annual Medal

What can I say about Judy Gowing’s amazing round last Tuesday? Blowing a hooley and calm as you like Judy pops up with a net 72. I know nearly everyone else will have been gnashing their teeth – well done Judy.

Division 1

1st Judy Gowing 72
2nd Catherine Cooper 78
3rd Lorna Robey 79

Division 2

1st Claire Martin 77
2nd Caroline Dewar 81
3rd Anna Rowland-Clark 82

Well done to everyone the above as conditions were not easy.

World Handicap System (WHS)

If you have any questions about the new WHS system, please speak to Tristan or Louis.  Golfers are recommended to hand in as many cards as they can to count towards the average of their best eight scores out of 20. If you do not have 20 cards in your handicap record, please see the table below to see how many of your best scores are taken:

Number of Scores in Handicap Record

Average of Best

3 Scores Best Score minus two strokes
4 Scores Best Score minus one stroke
5 Scores Best Score
6 Scores Average of best two scores minus one stroke
7 or 8 Scores Average of best two scores
9, 10 or 11 Scores Average of best three scores
12, 13 or 14 Scores Average of best 4 scores
15 or 16 Scores Average of best 5 scores
17 or 18 Scores Average of best 6 scores
19 Scores Average of best 7 scores
20 Scores Average of best 8 scores


To enter a General Play score please use the MYEG App and follow the steps below:

◊ Download the MYEG App (If you already have it downloaded, please update via the App Store).

iPhone Download

Android Download

◊ Press Enter Score – Create – Before your round begins
◊ Select the course you are playing and the tees you are playing from – and press ‘Create Scorecard’.
◊ You will need to be in close proximity to the course to be able to find the course.
◊ You can fill in your scores as you go along or post round in one go.
◊ You will also need an attester, who is playing in your group, to approve your score after your round via their phone
If the attester would also like to enter a General Play score, they must sign up via their own account as well

There is also a Club Stableford every Friday and is easy to enter on the day if you wish to play. You also have the opportunity of winning a free guest fee!

Centenary Bowl

The team’s first match against Addington Palace is on Thursday away.  Very best of luck to the team of Heather Webber, Danit Birn and Debs Good.

Friendly Matches

Friendly matches are starting very soon with some away matches. Please sign up your availability on IG.  Go to Competitions>Matches>Upcoming Matches>Ladies Friendly Team, set availability. If the Ladies Friendly Team is first it is a home match and if the opponents club is first, it is away.  Bridget Barton will be in touch if you are selected to play.

Contact information

Please would you put your mobile and email address on the Club Members’ Directory (powered by MyCourts) so that people can contact you to arrange matches. You can access the Members’ Directory via the main Club website / MyCourts and mark your areas of interest for emails and privacy settings.  Please ask someone if you do not know how to do this.

As a secondary form of communication is the Intelligent Golf messaging service. Please go to My Golf – Messages to send and receive communications from other members.  If I can manage it so can anyone.

Saying ‘goodbye’ to Pearson Captain

Tricia Morgan has given up her extremely able Captaincy of the Pearson team in preparation for taking over the Captaincy in October.  A huge thank you to Tricia for all her hard work and dedication. We are very sorry to lose you, especially as the last two competitions were cancelled even after we managed to win our group stage for the first time in a few years in 2020!  Liz Collins will be taking over for the 2021/22 season.  Several the Pearson Squad gathered to send Tricia off in style.

Spring Meeting

There are still spaces for the Spring Meeting on Tuesday 18th May.


The sign up opens on 18th May at 07:00.

Lady Captain’s Day

Sign up for the Lady Captain’s Day has been delayed by one week and will open at 07:00 on the 29th June.

Angela Atkins | Ladies’ Golf Captain