Photo by Clare Johnstone
Ladies’ Golf Blog
Well we might all be frustrated not to be playing golf but I imagine the golf course is delighted!
See you all fingers crossed on December 14th for our Christmas Competition with a fully up and running World Handicap System!
Roehampton Golf raised £600 for Breast Cancer Awareness. This is the combined amount from both the men and lady sections. A huge thank you to all of you for donating, Tristan and Louis for helping liaise with the various parties, the Sports Shop for setting up the putting and providing the prizes and to our starters Dhiren and Tim for their contribution. Something positive we have all managed to achieve this year. Not forgetting Trish, Libby, Lorna and Siobain for helping to collect the money on particularly soggy days!
Sad news
I am so saddened by the news that Deborah Power has died. Deborah was Lady Captain in 2006 and a member of the USLGA. Deborah had been a member of the Club since 1988, as well as golf she was a keen member of the Art Group. A lovelier person it would be hard to meet with a wonderful sense of humour.
The team of Liz Collins, Fiona Pollard, Buz, Claire Martin, Caroline Dewar, Henrietta O’Shea and Lou Tierney played Reigate Hill away on Monday 2 November (D Day for WHS launch). Sadly, it was not prosaic and the team lost by a small margin of 4/3. Two matches remain to be played at home. Who knows when? Good luck all to pay for.
That’s all I have for this week. Stay safe and see you in December.