Junior Scene
Kids’ yoga during lockdown
Most parents out there are probably struggling with their kids’ high energy levels during lockdown as they no longer have the school and club sports to rely on. At home, a feeling of lethargy can kick in where the kids just want to lay around. But kids have a love of movement and we know how good it is for their health and their mental wellbeing.
This is where yoga for kids can be helpful at home. And if you can do yoga with your kids, it will be all the better for the whole family. In this time of not being able to get to classes and the gym, it is a perfect opportunity to role model taking the time out for your wellbeing.
But how to start? For younger kids, you will find videos on YouTube such as Cosmic Kids where kids enter a make-believe world and to movements along with the instructor. You can also buy yoga cards like Yoga Pretzels (many types available online) which you can play games with and act out the poses. For those with some background in yoga, you can teach the kids the animal poses (dog, cat, etc.) and then make up names for other poses. The idea is just to move in new ways and have fun together.
For older kids, yoga can be a big help with growing pains, self-awareness of the body, confidence, focus and relieving anxiety. Partner poses can be fun to do with older kids (again there are some cards and books available online and YouTube videos). It doesn’t matter how it looks (nobody can see you anyway!) and it’s good for a laugh together.
This age also benefits a lot from breath exercises – beneficial for us all when times get stressful! You can try five fingers breathing where you slowly trace your finger up one side on the inhale and down the other side on the exhale. Also taking five long deep breaths through an imaginary straw slows down your breath. There are good guided mediations available on iTunes and Spotify to help with anxiety or trouble sleeping, such as those by Christiane Kerr.
Also check out some great videos on the website of thepoweryogaco.com which are available for download. There are some for families to practice together (one for ages 4-8 and another for 8-13), teen yoga videos and one for boys who are into football.
These ideas should help your kids to stay healthy, calm and mindful when at home during the lockdown. Namaste!
Camille Kynoch | Club Member