Hydro Spin Classes
Please see below our current Hydro Spin Class offering …
Day: Tuesday
Time: 11.10 – 11.40am
Duration: 30mins
Instructor: Susanne
Pool: Outdoor Pool – half pool
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1.10 – 1.40pm
Duration: 30mins
Instructor: Zuzana / Tanysha
Pool: Outdoor Pool – half pool
Please see our more detailed FAQs:
Will I be able to change before my class?
To begin with Members must still come ‘Swim Ready’ or ‘Class Ready’ and change on poolside.
How long is the class?
The class will be 30 minutes.
What time will the class be?
The class will run from 11.10 – 11.40am or 1.10 – 1.40pm so that it operates within a normal pool booking time. This is to ensure there is not a crossover between different sessions whilst allowing enough time to set up, removal of the bikes and time to sanitise.
Will there be a charge for Hydro Spin?
No. There will be no charge for Hydro Spin until more classes are available.
You can now attend more than one class per week?
As promised, we have reviewed usage for both Hydro and Aqua Classes and have made the decision to allow Members to book and attend more than one Aqua or Hydro Spin Class per week.
We will continue to monitor usage to ensure there is a fair opportunity for Members to attend Classes.
Do I have to use the Changing Room?
No. If you would prefer to continue to dry off on poolside and leave via the Entrance Gate, you can.
How many people will participate in the class?
Adults = 5 max at any one time
IMPORTANT: This is to meet social distance guidance as advised by our Health and Safety Consultants.
Will the bikes be cleaned?
◊ Health Club Staff will move the bikes to poolside and clean them.
◊ Members can make personal adjustments for their bike.
◊ Staff Members will clean and then place in the pool for Members to use.
Can I bring my own shoes for the class?
We will provide shoes which will be sanitised between classes. However, we recommend that Members to bring their own.
Will I be able to use a Changing Room after the Class?
Yes. If the class takes place in the Indoor Pool.
Outdoor Pool classes will require changing in the Gazebos on poolside.
Thank you.
If you have any questions, please speak to a Member of the Health Club Team or contact
Luke Fenton – Health Club Manager Luke.fenton@roehamptonclub.co.uk