The Club provides a range of daily newspapers for Members to read while at the Club.
Please refrain from taking these away and leave them for more Members to enjoy.
Thank you.
The Club provides a range of daily newspapers for Members to read while at the Club.
Please refrain from taking these away and leave them for more Members to enjoy.
Thank you.
In order for us to keep in touch and keep you up to date with Club information, please advise us of any updates to your email address by sending us an email to
If you are now in the Intermediate 18-25 membership category this could be especially relevant to you as you may not have had contact details added to your membership record when you joined as a Junior Member.
Thank you!
If you have any unused burgundy White Rose branded dry cleaning bags – please return them to the Reception Team.
Have your Club online access questions answered with these one-to-one help sessions with Rahma Khairadin People Engagement Manager who will help you set up a username and password and log into the Members’ website to:
◊ book online for fitness classes, events and dining tables, courts, and snooker room etc.,
◊ access your online account to top up and view levy statements and F&B receipts,
◊ access the Club’s App powered by ESP Elite Live
If you are not already using the Members’-only website, accessing your Member account or booking online and would like us to help you set that up, book one of these free ten-minute sessions with the team at Reception or by phone on 020 8480 4200.