Health Club updates

While we continue to live in challenging times the Health Club Team’s focus is primarily on ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Members taking part in our activities.

As rules and regulations do not look like easing, we must continue to ask for your support in ensuring the safety of all Members by following our COVID-19 set up for each activity. Please follow the rules for each activity with guidance from the Health Club Team.

Below is a short guide of what to do or expect when taking part in each activity and they can be found on the activity links below.

Health Club Guides

Gym Guide

Studio Guide

Swimming Guide

Swimming Lesson Guide

Pool Timetable – Update

From Monday 21st September we will offer a 30min early morning swim session from 6:15am to 6:45am in the Indoor Pool for Members who wish to have an early morning swim before work.

Click here for up-to-date Pool Timetable

Click here for the Outdoor Pool opening times

Click here for updated Pool Timetable descriptions

Click here for an update on Aqua Classes

Gym – Update

Thank you for your feedback regarding how we can improve the Gym experience. I have listed some of the questions asked to keep all Members informed.

Can Gym sessions be extended to 60mins or 90mins?

Sessions need to remain at 45mins so that we can monitor usage through September as we are already seeing increased usage. Longer sessions will reduce the number of sessions we can offer over the course of a day while also creating crossovers with other Health Club activities when Members arrive or leave the Health Club. This would breach the Health & Safety protocols in place for all activities.

Can Gym sessions be moved to on the hour?

Offering Gym sessions on the hour would clash with Swim bookings creating crossovers with a popular Health Club activity when Members arrive or leave the Health Club which would breach the Health & Safety protocols in place.

Classes and Online Booking System – Update

As you may be aware, we have experienced some difficulties with online bookings, with some classes not available to be booked and issues with booking onto waiting lists.

I am pleased to report that following an upgrade of our booking software these issues have now been resolved.

Finally, I would like to say thank you for all the encouragement and kind words Members have shown towards the Health Club team for all their work in making the Health Club a safe environment for all.

Health Club – Polite Reminder:

To help us maintain the high standards and safety around the Health Club there are a few key things which Members can help with to ensure your experience of Health Club activities is the best it can possibly be, please see a few key areas below:

  • Please continue to sanitise all equipment after use in the Gym and Studios
  • Pre-shower before entering the Swimming Pools
  • Please be careful and considerate when making bookings to ensure you only book one swimming slot
  • Please provide as much notice as possible when cancelling activities to allow other Members to make use of the space
  • Please follow the rules in place for each activity, they have been put in place to ensure Member comfort and safety

Our operation will continue to be reviewed regularly and can be extended when further guidelines permit.

We ask that all Members continue to respect social distancing guidelines and Club policies to ensure the safety of Members and Staff at the Club.

If you have any questions speak to a Member of the Health Club team or please contact me directly.

 Indoor Pool Roof Works – Update

The Indoor Pool roof works are nearing completion with just some minor works required to be done inside the pool hall.

These works must take place while no swimmers are present, so they are planned for the evening time. This means the Indoor Pool will close from 8pm Monday to Friday week commencing 21st September.

For next week only we will keep the Outdoor Pool open until 9pm to ensure that we can still offer swimming later in the evening.

Thank you for your patience while we carry out these essential works.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly or speak to the Health Club Team.

Luke Fenton | Health Club Manager |