Health Club Update

While we await further updates on restrictions being lifted on 21st June, we are working hard on what this means for Health Club Operations and will update Members when we know more.


With the swimming pools getting closer to returning to general swim sessions, I would like to remind Members of the Child Supervision and Blue Band Policy.

Please see updated Swimming Supervision Policy 

Indoor Pool Term Time Timetable, 17th May – 20th June

Outdoor Pool Term Time Timetable,  17th May – 20th June

If you have any questions, please speak to a Member of the Health Club Team or please feel free to email me at or ring on 0208 480 4251

Fitness Classes

Click here for the up-to-date fitness class information 


We hope that everyone has been enjoying the change to longer Gym sessions and would like to thank all Members for making this a smooth transition.

Please can I remind all Members MUST finish their workout and vacate the Gym Floor at the end of a session so that we can allow Members booked for the next session in on time.

Access to the Gym will only be provided once all Members have left and as such, we will no longer be able to provide early entry or for Members to stay later to finish their exercise. Please ensure you finish your workout with enough time to vacate the Gym Floor on time.

With this change all Members MUST sanitise all equipment after use.

The Gym will close twice during the day for 30mins for an enhanced clean while the Gym and Housekeeping team will perform spot cleaning throughout the day.

Enhanced cleaning times:

Monday to Friday – 12:30pm and 4pm
Saturday and Sunday – 1pm and 4:30pm

If you have any questions, please speak to a Member of the Health Club Team.

We ask that all Members continue to respect social distancing guidelines and Club policy to ensure the safety of Members and Staff at the Club.

Pending further Government updates and changes we hope to reinstate the following Health Club facilities and activities as per the timeline below:

21st June

o Steam room and Sauna 

o Sunbathing

o Towels

Gym / Class users can continue to make use of the Clubhouse Changing rooms and showers, Members will need to provide their own towel.

Further changes to Health Club activities may take place on the 21st June depending on Government and Industry guidance.

If you have any questions, speak to a Member of the Health Club team or please contact me directly.

Kind regards

Luke Fenton | Health Club Manager |