Health Club covid-operation update

Face coverings in the Health Club

The Club’s decision to make face coverings compulsory inside all Club buildings will be extended to include the communal areas of the Health Club. This means masks must be worn in the following circumstances:

–    entering and leaving the Health Club
–    walking around the Health Club communal areas
–    moving through changing areas and toilets
–    arriving for your swim session
–    dropping off children for swim lessons
–    waiting in the Juice Bar

Face coverings are not required while undertaking physical activity within the gym, exercise classes or swimming.
Thank you for your continued cooperation in making the Health Club a COVID-secure environment.

Weekend gym session times

Following Member feedback we will be trialling gym session start times commencing on the hour on Saturday and Sundays only. This is to align gym sessions with other Club activities around the Club so that Members can maximise their experience and usage of the Club at a weekend.

This change will commence from Saturday 10th October.

The decision to make this change has been carefully reviewed to ensure that we can still maintain our COVID secure operation and adhere to industry guidance at the Health Club.

The change in start times will require minor alterations to be made to how Members enter or wait at the Health Club for their booked activity to begin, we must emphasise the importance for all Members to follow social distancing rules and the Health Club one way system at all times.

The reason this must be a trial to begin with is to ensure the Health Club operation remains COVID secure with all Members adhering to sanitising and social distancing. If we find that Members do not adhere to the changes then we will need to revert back to the original Gym session times taking place on the half hour.

Monday to Friday – Gym sessions will remain starting on the half hour commencing at 6:30am to allow for early morning workouts before work as requested.
Saturday – Gym sessions will start at 7am.
Sunday – Gym sessions will start at 8am.

Currently gym sessions will remain at 45mins with a 15min sanitising time in between each session to ensure that we are COVID-secure from a cleanliness perspective. This provides reassurances to all gym users. Also given the current national focus around COVID-19 we believe that it is not the right time to review or amend this key operational safety process, once things change we will of course review this.

If you have any questions please contact me directly or speak to a Member of the Health Club Team.

Kind regards,
Luke Fenton
Health Club Manager