Golf Committee Chairman’s Update

It is that time of the year again where I need to thank both the Men’s and Ladies’ Captains for their invaluable contributions to the Golf Committee over the past 12 months. Simon Butler and Charlotta Lyckéus have both been highly proactive and knowledgeable contributors to the Golf Committee and I wanted to recognise them for their highly successful captaincy tenures (including their formidable records in the Captain and Pro matches) as well as for the vast amount of money they raised for their chosen charity.  Congratulations to you both and thank you again for your commitment to golf at Roehampton Club.

While I regret having to say goodbye to Simon and Charlotta, I am delighted to welcome incoming captains Peter McGovern and Caroline Dewar to the Golf Committee and wish both lots of luck (and fun) for this upcoming season. Additionally, I would like to welcome Liz Collins as a newly elected Committee Member, who replaces Laura Weatherill who regrettably, but understandably, had to step down not long ago. Liz is a worthy replacement, given she has been an extremely active participant in and around the game of golf, having herself been a former Chair at Wimbledon Park as well as the Ladies’ Pearson Team Captain at Roehampton Club. Her experience and insight are highly anticipated and welcomed.

14th Hole Protective Netting

As you might be aware, we have had to work with Ibstock School to ensure that students utilising the multi-use games area are sufficiently protected from errant tee shots from the 14th tee. Thankfully the school has agreed to erect a protective fence on their property, rising from 20m in height to 25m further towards the green. We have prepared the planning pack application for their review to then submit to Wandsworth council, from whom we hope to gain approval in the near future. As part of the collaborative effort, Roehampton Club has offered to cover the cost of installation and maintenance of this protective netting going forward. This is actually a notable result, and thanks must go to Marc Newey and his team for the successful negotiation with Ibstock School, as for a while there was a very real possibility that the 14th hole would have to close completely.

Further Boundary Protection and Reporting of Errant Shots

On the topic of protective netting, we are in discussions with some neighbours on Priory Lane, as there are a significant amount of golf balls leaving the property along the middle of 12th hole. Regrettably this problem is likely to get even more pronounced, given that there are number of trees in that area that will need to be felled, as the most recent tree audit identified that they are infected by a fungus-like pathogen called Phytophthora pluvialis.  These trees will be replaced by fungus resistant types, but before they grow to become mature enough to act as a natural repellent of golf balls, we will more than likely need to once again contract High Nets to install protective netting in that area of the Club.

In the meantime, I cannot stress enough that it is incumbent on all golfers to ensure that any balls leaving the boundary of the Club premises are immediately reported to the Sports Shop or Reception following completion of play. The Club will not be nearly as supportive, financially or otherwise, of any damage caused by errant shots if it has not been properly informed beforehand.

Drainage and Winter Works Projects

Drainage works on holes 13 and 14 have now been successfully completed, the results of which will become much more evident in the winter period when these usually incredibly wet areas will be much easier and safer to navigate. Peter Bradburn and his team will continue to over-seed and top dress the areas routinely this winter, but the trenches have already re-grassed to a largely satisfactory degree.

In addition, we have booked a contractor in for the first week of July 2024 to improve drainage works on the third, sixth and 14th greens. The process is called System 25™ Drainage which requires removal of the grass surface of the greens to provide the access for the digging of natural drains under the surface which in turn will lead to a pipe system adjacent to the green. Albeit in the quieter part of the year, these works will require temporary greens for around six weeks on these three holes. However, this preventative action was highly necessary, and the result should mean that we will no longer need to close these (historically) much wetter greens nearly as much in the Winter months going forward.

Finally, I wanted to inform you that the main project which the grounds team will concentrate on this winter will be the refurbishment of the paths on the course and Peter and his team are currently looking at materials and the logistics plan to manage the process.

Indoor Golf Centre Update

Thank you to all of you who participated in the recent survey that was sent out by the Club.  It was encouraging to hear that the vast majority of Club Members are supportive of this project as well as some of the other exciting initiatives in the cards for Roehampton Club (Padel courts and Clubhouse refurbishment).

Last month we re-submitted our pre-planning application to Wandsworth council, and the initial feedback has been positive, although some additional work will need to be done to convince the council of our intended and desired design. I am expecting that I will have more detail to share with you in person at the Annual Meeting of Golfers on 14th October prior to welcoming Peter McGovern and Caroline Dewar to their respective captaincies in the Captain’s Drive-in.

Final thoughts

At the last Committee meeting we discussed a proposal to limit the amount of two-ball tee times on Thursdays going forward. It was agreed that this format of the game is highly popular, and particularly so in the winter months, so the decision was made to only introduce fourball slots on Thursdays in the summer period, after 1pm only.

On a separate note, I wanted to remind all of you to please remember to sign up guests at eligible times only, and to also ensure that they are of the standard that we expect of our Members at different times of the week. Please familiarize yourself with these handicap restrictions before you invite your guests to play at Roehampton Club.

Finally, as always and in the interest of the enjoyment of the game for others, please ensure that you properly rake bunkers, replace divots and pitchmarks and always keep up with the group in front of you.

Oh, and COME ON EUROPE! It was so thrilling to see the European sides of the Ryder Cup, Solheim Cup and Junior Ryder Cup all prevail against the perennial juggernaut that is US golf (First time ever?). Long may this dominance last.

As always, I encourage you to keep up to date by reading these Recorder contributions as well as the minutes of the Golf Committee which are available on the Club website under ‘The Club – Committees and Minutes’ and of course, feel free to email me with any thoughts or concerns you may have.

Niels Verbeek, Golf Committee Chairman