Gym and Studios Update

Fitness Class Timetable

Fitness class timetable from 3rd March 2025


Spring is coming!



Spring is about to begin and now is great opportunity to get a boost to your training by doing some sessions with one of our amazing personal trainers!


Getting back on your feet after a ski trip? Starting your summer prep? We’re the ones to talk to.


Come and discuss with a colleague in the gym or send an email to to enquire about availability.

It’s time for another Nuclear Race!


Last year we entered our first Nuclear Races and had an amazing time, we are happy to say we are doing another one. So, if you missed out before, now is your chance!


Please see the information below, and note this is an event for those aged from 9 years old up to adults, a fun time for individuals and families too!


If interested, please contact Zuzana by email at



Nuclear Races


Sunday 11th May
Brentwood, CM15 0LA


For Adults and Juniors


Rush Adults Team Race
For adults 16+* years
Complete 12km course
£120 each | 11.40am start time


Rookie Team Race
For Juniors 9-14years
Complete 3km course
£60 each | 10am start time


Nuclear Races challenge all levels of fitness, ability and age. Based on permanent farmland with mud, woods, rivers, and fields Nuclear Races test courage, teamwork and strength over a unique combination of fun obstacles on award-winning courses.


*13 to 15yrs old can enter this race if accompanied by an adult.
Tickets includes a Roehampton Club Nuclear Races t-shirt and a snack.


Click here for more information


For more information and to book, please contact Zuzana Duleba, Fitness Trainer at

Junior Gym changes


There is an update to access for Juniors in the gym. On Thursdays 11–15 year olds can now use the gym until 9pm.


There are also new programmes for tiers 2 and 3 so please come in and ask a trainer the latest workout or if you are still tier 1 book in to upgrade your training options.

Online content updates

Susanne’s online classes are uploaded for February. You can join these live on Thursdays 5-5.45pm or click here to follow our YouTube account to be notified when the videos are uploaded online.

Etiquette reminder

Please understand during busy periods it is kind to be mindful of other Members, try not to have lengthy recoveries unless needed and if possible, share equipment with others during your recoveries.

Studios classes are phone free zones, please refrain from using these while participating in a class. If it is an emergency, leave the class and use your phone in a designated phone area.

Remember the importance of wiping down equipment after use when in the gym. This protects yourself and others from becoming unwell and helps to keep the equipment in top shape for you to enjoy! There are cleaning wipes stationed around the gym, but should you struggle to locate one please speak to a member of the team who will be happy to help.

Gym footwear

We are aware that Members would like to be able to perform some exercises without trainers on in the gym and have discussed safe options to allow for this. You can now remove your footwear to perform exercises (that are more effective without footwear) if you stay in one location. If you need to move to another location or vacate that spot to gather equipment you MUST put your footwear back on. Appropriate footwear must be worn when using cardiovascular and resistance machines at all times. Trainers / running shoes or adapted training shoes are considered appropriate footwear, sandals / Crocs/ Birkenstocks / Uggs or similar footwear is not considered appropriate. Members must also wear appropriate footwear when crossing the gym floor to get to a studio.

Junior guests using the Gym

Junior gym guests (11-15years old) MUST undergo a gym induction before using the gym or they cannot be admitted for their own safety. If a Member plans to invite a Junior guest, it is advised to contact the Health Club Team and book them in for an induction to be delivered directly before they use the gym. The induction takes 30minutes and will not need to be repeated on subsequent visits.

Personal Training and 1-2-1 Pilates prices 2025

Personal Training

One hour £72
Five hours £325
Ten hours £610
Twenty hours £1,137

1-2-1 Pilates

One hour £62
12 hours £680

1-2-1 Reformer Pilates

One hour £77
Five hours £370
Ten hours £740
Twenty hours £1,480

To book a Personal Training session or package please contact the Gym on 020 8480 4235 or email to discuss the right Personal Trainer for you.
If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Health Club team.
Personal Training session ‘no shows’ or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged to the Member. If your trainer does not show or cancels within 24 hours a free session will be given to compensate.

Junior gym hours 

Juniors aged 11-16 may use the gym on Friday evenings until 9pm and on Sundays from 10am – 8pm.

Junior gym hours areJunior gym hours are
10am-6pm Monday to Wednesday
10am-9pm Thursday and Friday
7am-10am and 12pm-8pm Saturday (10am to 12pm adults only)
10am-8pm Sundays

All children aged 11-16 must be supervised by and adult unless they have completed the gym band induction process.

For more information please see Ricky Alexis – Gym and Studios Manager or email

Class Capacities 

We have reduced class capacities for Studio 1 to ensure Member comfort
We will monitor attendance to see if additional classes are required for consistent fully booked classes.
Late arrivals will not be admitted into classes. This is to protect Members from both injury and interruption to their class.

No Shows and Late Cancellations

We are still seeing several late cancellations or no-shows. Action has been taken with Members who are not being considerate to fellow Members by providing enough notice when cancelling or moving bookings.

We politely remind all Members of the Fitness Class booking policy:

  • Bookings can be made 3 days in advance (from 6:30am daily)
  • Under all circumstances, please cancel more than 12hrs in advance.
  • All no shows and late cancellations will be blocked from booking for a 7-day period. This will double for repeat offenders.
  • Please be careful and considerate when making bookings to ensure you only book one session.
  • Please book the correct session that you wish to attend.
  • Please make sure you arrive early for your class.
  • Please be considerate by not leaving classes early as this can disrupt the class and instructor.
  • Late arrivals will not be admitted into classes. This is to protect Members from both injury and interruption to their class.

Studio Class descriptions

Ricky Alexis, Gym and Studios Manager –