1st Tee Talk

I have thoroughly enjoyed the past week of live YouTube sessions from the Club, video vignettes around the course as well as answering Members’ questions related to the sessions. The videos have had over 3,750 views in the first ten days. Your input during the live YouTube sessions really helps, so please join the live sessions detailed below, or send me an email with your questions and I will endeavour to answer them during a session: richard.harrison@roehamptonclub.co.uk

Upcoming dates, times and themes are detailed below, as well as how to sign into live YouTube sessions.

*LIVE* golf tuition on YouTube with Richard Harrison

Paste this link into your browser:

Catch up on previous videos or join the *LIVE* tuition

Friday 17th April 11:30hrs – Cadets and Junior golf

Session two of drills and swing building for Junior golfers, referencing the world’s top Tour players. Also, I will talk in more detail about the Cadet 2020 season plans.

Saturday 18th April 09:00hrs: Technical session

A deep dive into the details of golf’s sweet science. This week’s topic: Tour player Trackman data and their swing differences. Strong focus on Trackman data.

Tuesday 21st April 1130hrs: Ladies day and Members Q&A

This week we look at the short game.

Wednesday 22nd April 1000hrs: Session 3 – discussing swing sequence and Members Q&A

This week the role of the head, inside and out!

Friday 24th April 11:30hrs: Cadets and Junior golf

Session three of swing building for Junior golfers and how to work on your swing at home.

Saturday 25th April 09:00hrs: Technical science session

A deep dive into the details of golf’s sweet science and Member Q and A. Strong focus on Trackman data and topic TBA.


If you would like to join the LIVE chat during the sessions, you will need to create a YouTube account using your email address and create a password. Once your YouTube profile has been completed, you can engage in the LIVE discussion from the 1st tee or swing studio.

Email me prior to the session you will be watching with your questions: richard.harrison@roehamptonclub.co.uk

I look forward to you joining the discussion and learning more about the game,

Richard Harrison  |  Head Golf Professional