F&B Feedback
Celebrating Great British Beef week
For a week commencing the 23rd April, it is the Great British Beef Week and it is also the tenth anniversary of ‘Ladies in Beef’. To help celebrate both British beef and female farmers, why not get involved in a recipe competition.
Here’s one of Adam’s favourites to get you started – Steak and Kidney Pie
E-mail your dishes to ButchersKit@ahdb.org.uk and they will post as many as possible on the Ladies In Beef website http://www.ladiesinbeef.org.uk/
Tweet your dishes and please tag #GBBW2020 and @roehamptonclub1
Have fun creating your dishes.
Sandwich of the Week
Working from home the last few weeks, we asked the Bar and Events Teams to suggest a Sandwich of the Week from their country of origin. Everyone came up with some delicious sounding ideas including a classic Pain Bagnat from France; Welsh lamb; and a mozzarella and aubergine vegan recipe from Italy. Head Chef Adam, chose his favourite – Manuel’s Chicken paratha roll from India.
We share the recipe with you here
Direct Meats
Direct Meats are now able to deliver fresh fruit and vegetables options and have also reduced their minimum order to £25. Direct Meats is one of the Club’s meat suppliers are doing home deliveries offering good quality, sustainable produce at a good price. Delivering in cardboard boxes the driver will knock the door, leave the box at the door and step back; and wait to check the customer has received their correct order.
We hope everyone enjoyed trying out our Easter recipes. I know some of you did. Here’s what you had to say:
‘please thank Adam for his recipe for Easter lamb – it was delicious!’ and ‘We got our lamb via the Club suppliers – excellent’
See below for hot cross buns by Nikki Clark and Helen Bolt (the more ‘rustic’ version)!