Renewals and Payment Notices 2025

We post to Members their renewal and payment notices in November each year.

2025 membership fees

2025 guest and other fees

How do I pay my fees?

The information on your Payment Notice (enclosed) denotes which type of ‘payer’ you are.

Annual payers – have no additional letters after their subscription type. Quarterly payers are identified by ‘QP’ after their subscription type.

Monthly payers are identified by ‘MP’ after their subscription type. Example:

Annually – Tennis (30+) Quarterly – Tennis (30+) QP Monthly – Tennis (30+) MP

I’m an Annual Payer – is my discount included?

Payment Notices detail the fees due in January for the following year. If you are an Annual Payer the fees shown on your Payment Notice have been worked out to already include the 6.5% discount.

The subscription fees are based on the quarterly amounts and the annual fees are reduced by 6.5%, for example:

Full Playing (35+) – Annual subscription paid in ONE ANNUAL PAYMENT = £3,625 total (2025)

Full Playing (35+) – Annual subscription paid in FOUR QUARTERLY INSTALMENTS = £3,880 total (2025)

I am entitled to a long-service membership discount. How will I know that has been calculated in my subscription amount?

The discount will be identified either by 70/30 Disc, 35YrDisc or 40YrDisc written after the subscription type on your Payment Notice.

I would like to change my method of payment from annually to quarterly?

If you wish to pay quarterly, you may change to do this, but please bear in mind the annual cost will increase. Please e-mail the Membership Team at

I would like to pay by Direct Debit or amend my Direct Debit details. What should I do?

Please complete a Direct Debit Mandate Form in Reception and return the original to the Membership Team. The bank won’t accept a scanned copy to set up the direct debit.

It’s the first week of January 2025 – when are you going to collect my subscription?

Single Direct Debit payments will be collected on or just after 12th January 2025.

Quarterly Direct Debit payments will be collected from Members’ bank accounts on or just after the following dates: 10 January, 4 April, 4 July and 6 October 2025.

Monthly Direct Debit (available only to Members aged 18-29 years old) x 10 instalments are collected on or just after the fifth day of each month from January – October inclusive.

Please note that items such as: annual levy, locker, trolley hook and battery charging station rentals, weekend golf pass etc. are always collected in full in January.

I haven’t spent all my Annual Levy. Can I get a refund or carry it over to next year?

The Annuel Levy is non-transferable and non-refundable and must be used within the subscription year (from 1st January to 31st December each year). The Annual Levy is to be spent on food and drink purchases in the food and beverage outlets at the Club: Club Café, Juice Bar, Members Bar and Piazza Coffee Shop.

‘Top Up’ amounts of £25 or more may be added by adults and £15 or more by Junior Members to the Club Card and may be spent in additional ways e.g. for Social Scene tickets, Guest fees, etc. Any unspent ‘top up’ may be rolled over to future years for up to five years.

Can I buy some wine with my annual levy?

Please be aware that the Board stopped off sales of beverage in 2023; please make every effort to use up your annual levy at the various Food and Beverage outlets or at events in during November and December 2024.

For 2024 only, boxed gifts of Roehampton Club Gin or Spiced Rum may be purchased with unused levy in December and taken off site (limited to two bottles per person). No other off sales are permitted.

How much annual levy do I have left to spend by the end of 2024?

Your levy statement is available online via the Members’ website in your Roehampton Club account. If you have any queries about your levy, please contact Clubhouse Reception on 020 8480 4200.


What is the deadline for category changes?

The deadline for all membership category change requests is 30th November each year.

How can I change my category?

Requests must be received in writing. Please complete a form available at Clubhouse and Health Club Receptions or e-mail

We missed the category change deadline – may I still request a change of category?

All late requests are referred to Marc Newey, Chief Executive, for a decision as he has to look at the categories mix resulting from any changes.

I would like to play golf at weekends. How can I upgrade to Full Playing (weekend golf)?

Although you applied for Full Playing, you will join initially as Restricted Full (golf Monday-Friday).  When you have completed your golf induction and have met the handicap index requirements to play at weekends, you could then upgrade to Full Playing.

I would like to downgrade my membership to Tennis (no golf).  Can I pay a guest fee to play a round of golf either solo or as the guest of a Member?

No Member, by paying a guest fee or by invitation, may participate in or play at any time, a sport which his/her membership category does not permit.

I don’t play golf and / or tennis and would like to downgrade to the Other Sports category – how can I do this?

As the Other Sports category is a restricted category, Members who wish to downgrade must join an internal waiting list. The Other Sports Waiting List consists of Members who no longer play golf or tennis due to injury, ill health or age. Spaces are created on the waiting list when resignations in the Other Sports category are received. Members who have a medical reason for downgrading will be given priority once evidence from their GP is provided.

I went for a swim at the weekend and was told I only had Five-Day membership and was not allowed to access the Health Club?

Five Day membership entitles the Member to play all sports and use all the facilities (Health Club gym, studios and pools included) from Monday to Friday inc. Bank Holidays. Five Day Members are welcome to visit the Club socially only at weekends for lunches, coffee etc.

 My son is 18 years old; he will be on a gap year and then university. Can I suspend his membership until he comes back?

We don’t offer the option to suspend or freeze membership for any period of time so the only alternatives for Members aged 18-25 are as follows: carry on as Intermediate (18-25), downgrade possibly to Absent No Visits (for those who live, work or study 65+ miles away from the Club) or to resign.

Non Playing membership – what does it mean?

Non-Playing Members are permitted to use the Club as many times as they like during the year for purely social activities, i.e. use of the Club Café, Juice Bar, Members Bar and social events. It does not allow use of any sporting facilities including the Health Club. Also, as a Non-Playing Member you are not permitted to play bridge, croquet, snooker or any of the other sports and games offered at the Club. The pre- qualification is ten years of continuous adult sporting membership.

Our child is two years old – do we need a Toddler Guest Pass?

The Toddler Guest Pass is available for children aged four and under. The Pass permits unlimited visits to the swimming pool, otherwise toddlers are limited to six guest visits per year. Additionally, the Toddler Guest Pass is required in order for children aged up to four years old to participate in coaching, tennis and swimming programmes and holiday activities. If you would like a Toddler Pass, please email for a form or complete a form at Reception and hand it in to be passed to the Membership Team. Toddler Guest passes for 0-2 year olds are issued free of charge. There is a small charge for 3–4-year olds and toddlers will be offered Junior Membership in the January following their fifth birthday, at which time the relevant Junior Entrance fee will be payable.

I would like to arrange access for a non-Member adult to take my children swimming.

Any adult acting as a guardian to your children; nannies, carers, non-Member parents or grandparents – needs a ‘Nanny or Guardian Pass’ to accompany your children into the swimming pool. Those non-Members are permitted to play tennis or participate in any other sports with your children, but not to use any of the facilities independently of the children. Nanny/Guardian Passes cost £52 monthly or £123 quarterly. Please visit Main Reception to complete a form and make the payment before the ‘nanny’ is issued a photo card for the relevant period.

Can I get a discount for long-serving membership?

There are two discounted membership options for long-serving Members. These memberships begin in the January following the year in which the required milestone is reached:

◊ Honorary membership

50 years of consecutive membership as an adult – e.g. from 18 years old.  Therefore, the earliest any Member could become an Honorary Member is aged 68yrs. Honorary membership is granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors once a Member has qualified. There is no subscription payable for Honorary Membership.

◊ 70/35 and 75/40 Discount

Members pay full fees from the age of 35 and therefore those who have achieved 35 years of continuous membership in good standing from that point will benefit from a reduction of 12% against the full Member’s subscription then prevailing. After achieving 40 such years of membership the reduction will increase to 15%.


When is the deadline for submitting resignations?

The deadline for submitting resignations is 30th November. These resignations take effect on 31st December each year.

How can I resign from the Club?

All requests to resign must be made in writing. Either, complete a form available at the Clubhouse and Health Club Receptions or e-mail

Can I resign part way through the year?

Resignations are not permitted part way through any year.

My daughter is 18+ years old and I would like to cancel her membership …

Parents may cancel the membership of their children aged under the age of 18.

Adult Members aged 18+ must contact us directly in writing (letter or email) to cancel their own membership – even if they are not responsible for paying their fees –

I have cancelled my membership in writing – what’s the next step?

Your resignation will be processed and we will send you a letter in the post to confirm your resignation.

What happens to my shares when I resign?

On joining, Members aged 35+ purchase two shares or, aged 40+, four shares. These are bought back by the Roehampton Club Trust in the event of resignation or death. Non Members are not permitted to own shares. We will send you a confirmation letter regarding the buy back of your shares and the next steps. Once the relevant paperwork has been received we will transfer the funds online which will complete the buy back of your shares.

When would I expect to be reimbursed for my shares?

Your shares will be bought back early in the year following 31st December resignation. This process may take a few months as we work chronologically according to the date the resignation request was made. We aim to send your transfer in the springtime.

I would like to give up my locker – what about my deposit?

Please clear your locker and return the key for the attention of Jolanta in the Membership Team. Once your key has been returned, we will refund your deposit.

I would like to suspend, freeze or put my membership on hold?

The Club does not offer the option of suspending memberships.

We are moving away from the area and would like to put our membership on hold?

The Club does not offer the option of suspending your membership but there is an Absent Member category for Members moving 65+ miles away from the Club. You may then visit the Club 6 times annually in your previous category and 12 times socially. We also offer an Absent No Visits membership category which means that the Member cannot enter the Club at all.

We passed the deadline for resignations – can I still cancel my membership?

Please e-mail the Membership Team at as soon as possible. Your request with reasons will be referred to our Chief Executive for his consideration.

If I were to leave the Club, what would be the process to re-join?

If you were to resign and then re-join in the future, you would need to reapply and go on to the waiting list. The waiting time is currently around three years. Also, you would need to pay a percentage of the relevant entrance fee at the time of re-joining – 25% up to two years, 50% 3-4 years and 75% over four years away.

What is the Club’s guest policy?

Each guest is welcome on six  occasions to play a sport and up to 12 times socially per year. The total number of visits must not exceed 18 in any one year regardless of which Member they are a guest.

Guests are welcome all day during the week and from 2pm onwards on weekends.

Please email if you have any queries.

Rules Reminder

For a full list of the Club Rules, please see a copy of the Members’ Guide and Club Rules available at Club Reception or please login to the Members’ website at to find them (2025) online or click here.


Members are expected to be considerate at all times to other Members, guests, visitors and staff while on club premises, when communicating with them in any form and are expected not to offend by either behaviour, conduct, language or dress.

If a Board Director or the Chief Executive considers that there may have been a breach of any of the Club Rules, Bye- Laws, or Code of Conduct on the part of any Member either on Club Premises, while representing the club outside of club premises, or elsewhere, that is considered damaging to the reputation, character, interests or good order of the Club, then the Chief Executive will refer the matter to the Board’s Disciplinary Panel for review.


1  Any Member in relation to whom any insolvency process is initiated (including but not limited to bankruptcy or an individual voluntary arrangement) must promptly give written notice with relevant particulars to the Club’s Chief

2  The Directors may require any Member who appears to them to be insolvent to pay forthwith any sum which is due to the Club or which they expect to become due within a period of 12 months.

3  Where a Member fails to make a payment required under 10(b), the Directors may by written notice suspend their membership.


Any Member who is arrested, charged or convicted in connection with an alleged criminal offence involving dishonesty or which could on conviction result in imprisonment, must promptly give written notice including reasonable relevant particulars to the Club’s Chief Executive and thereafter keep them informed of the position.


All persons are required to be suitably dressed at all times while on the Club premises. Smart casual dress is required while attending the Garden Restaurant and when caps should not be worn. Members may wear cleaned golf shoes (no metal or plastic spikes) in the bar.



No Member, by paying a guest fee or by invitation, may participate in or play at any time, a sport which his/ her membership category does not permit.

Honorary Members are such persons as the Directors may elect to Honorary Membership.

Full Playing Members may play and practise all sports. To play golf at weekends, Men are required to have a handicap of 23.5 and below and ladies require a handicap of 32.9 and below. Members with a handicap of 23.6-28.2 (men) and 33-36.6 (ladies) can only play at weekends after 2pm in the summer and 1pm in the winter.

Restricted Full Members may play and practise all sports except golf at weekends.

Tennis Members may play and practise all sports except golf.

Five Day Members may play and practise all sports Monday to Friday only, including Bank Holidays.

Other Sports Members may play and practise all sports except golf, tennis and padel tennis.

Intermediate 18-25 Members may play and practise all sports except golf at weekends unless the required handicap is held, a golf induction has been completed and Weekend Playing Rights have been added to the membership.

Non Playing Members Only Members of ten years standing or more may apply for the Non Playing category. Non Playing Members may not play any sports including use of the Health Club, Bridge, and Snooker etc.

Absent Members are those Members who neither live nor work within a 65-mile radius of the Club for a period of one or more years. Members must provide proof of their qualifying address. Members may only transfer to Absent membership in January and for a minimum period of one year. They shall pay the Absent Member quarterly subscription, which will entitle them to receive communications from the Club. Upon their return they will resume their former membership category immediately. Absent Members previously entitled to play golf must verify their handicap with the Membership Office. Absent Members may make up to six visits to the Club to play a sport as permitted in their previous membership category and up to twelve visits socially between 1 January and 31 December in any year.

Alternatively, an Absent Member may purchase a one-month full subscription per calendar year via the Membership Office by applying one week in advance for unlimited visits to the Club during the one month period. Absent Members are not issued with a Club Card or Car Pass and must sign in at the Gatehouse each time they visit the Club.


Junior Members are the children or wards of Members over the age of 5 and under the age of 18 on 1st January. They may not introduce unaccompanied guests, nor vote at Committee elections, or purchase intoxicating liquor on the Club premises.

On the 1st January following their 18th birthday they will automatically move up to the Intermediate 18-25 membership category.

Use of the pools is included in the membership fee for Juniors and those 16 years and over may use the gym. Juniors may be invited by the Golf and Games Manager to hold weekend golf privileges where Members may play all sports, with timing restrictions on golf at weekends and Bank Holidays.

NANNY / GUARDIAN PASS – rules of use

Any non-Member adult acting as a guardian to Member children; nannies, carers, non-Member parents or grandparents – need a ‘Nanny or Guardian Pass’ to accompany Junior Members to the Club. Nannies or Guardians are permitted to accompany Junior Member(s) within the Club grounds and in the swimming pools but may not use any of the Club facilities independently. Nanny / Guardian Passes cost £52 monthly or £123 quarterly. Please visit main Reception to complete a form and make the payment before the Nanny / Guardian is issued a photo card for the relevant period.

◊ A nanny / guardian may only use the pass for the purpose of being the sole supervising adult for a Junior Member, who must be with them at all times.
◊ ‘Nanny’ refers to an employee working in the traditional role of a ‘Guardian’ refers to a nominated responsible adult, caring for a Member or Junior Member.
◊ Nanny Pass holders may attend with the Member family to assist with the Junior Members. Guardian Pass holders may attend with the Member family on payment of the appropriate Guest Fee and are subject to the usual guest visit rules.
◊ A Nanny / Guardian may not use the gym and studios
◊  Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the sauna or steam room and therefore the supervising nanny / guardian may not use those facilities either.
◊ Children under the age of 12 may not use the spa, so it is the nanny / guardian’s responsibility to ensure that this rule is adhered to.
◊ All possessions are to be stored in the lockers provided within the changing
◊ A nanny / guardian is not permitted to use any of the facilities without the Juniors in their care

17. ELECTRONIC DEVICES (other than medical)

Members, their children and guests are required at all times to use electronic devices only in a manner that is unobtrusive, silent and compatible with the peaceful enjoyment of the Club premises by all other users, particularly with regard to noise.

Mobile phones and other electronic devices may only be used for making or receiving calls in the changing rooms or Car Parks and should be switched to silent ring and message received mode at all times so as not to disturb other Club users.

Video calling platforms must not be used in the Changing Rooms. Devices may not be used for conversations in any other areas. Laptops may only be used in the Reading Room, the Piano Bar (if not being used for a function), the Club Café or the Health Club Juice Bar area. Devices cannot be used for business purposes in groups other than as part of a business meeting which has been pre‑booked in one of the rooms available for hire.The use of any electronic device as a video or still camera is strictly forbidden.

Any Member or guest wishing to use photographic, film or video equipment on the Club premises must register their intent with the Duty Manager. Members are requested to comply without dispute with the instructions of staff charged with the interpretation and enforcement of this Rule.


◊  The Directors may close all or part of the Club or impose other restrictions on the use of Club facilities for such periods or at such times as they think fit where:

1  They consider it necessary to protect the health or safety of Members, staff or visitors; and/or;
2  They are required to do so in order to comply with any legal requirement and/or;
3  They reasonably consider it necessary in the interest of Members and/or staff


◊  A Member may introduce up to three guests for any sport, excluding Health Club, weekdays and weekends with the exception of only one golfing guest permitted on weekends between 11am and 2pm.

◊ A Member may only introduce more than three guests on weekdays for any sport by prior arrangement and at the discretion of the Chief Executive, General Manager or Racquets Director.

◊ At weekends and on Bank Holidays, Members may introduce one guest for golf between 11am and 2pm and up to three guests at weekends from 2pm with whom they must play. Additional guests may be allowed to play golf on these days by prior arrangement (no less than two days in advance) and at the discretion of the Golf and Games Manager, Duty Manager or Chief Executive.

◊ Health Club Guests are welcome all day during the week. At weekends, Members may introduce guests to the Gym, Pools or Fitness Classes from 2pm.
No guests are permitted to the Health Club on Bank Holidays. A maximum of one guest per Member is permitted at the Health Club with up to a maximum of four guests per Member family.

◊ Members must sign in their guests at the Gatehouse and Clubhouse Reception or Health Club Reception before participating in any activity.

◊ Members are responsible for their Guests’ behaviour while at the Club and their adherence to the dress

◊ Guests playing a sport will, on payment of the appropriate fee, receive a tag or receipt from the Clubhouse Reception. This must be kept visible or be made available when asked for by a member of staff. Failure to do so may result in the guest being asked to leave the sporting facility.

◊ Weekend golf guests must be able to produce a handicap certificate.
Golf Handicap Index requirements for weekend play:
Weekends before 2pm summer and 1pm winter: Men achieving a 23.5 Handicap Index or below. Women achieving a 32.9 Handicap Index or below
Weekends after 2pm summer and 1pm winter:
Men achieving a 28.2 Handicap Index or below. Women achieving a 36.6 Handicap Index or below.
The Member will be responsible for ensuring that their guest is a capable golfer and that they adhere to the Club Dress Code Policy as well as demonstrating golfing etiquette. The requirement for a handicap certificate may be waived by the Chief Executive or the Golf and Games Manager – provided the request is made by the Member inviting the guest at least 48 hours in advance of playing.

◊ Guest rules may be changed at the discretion of the Board


◊ Junior guests may only use Club sports facilities a maximum of six times a year on payment of the appropriate guest fee.

◊ Children under the age of 10 years old may only enter the Club with an The adult remains responsible for the child, and its actions, while on Club premises and must provide adequate supervision at all times.

◊ Children aged 7 years old and over must use the appropriate changing rooms both in the Clubhouse and Health Club area.

◊ Nursing of children may take place within the Club, except where there is a risk to health and safety or in an area where children are not permitted, or in a male-only area e. g. Men’s Changing Room.

◊ Members are responsible at all times for the behaviour of their children (up to 17 years old) while on Club

◊ Member parents or guardians of Junior Members aged ten to fourteen years old must call Reception on 020 8480 4200 to book in junior Guests accompanying their son/daughter/ward if visiting the Club unaccompanied by the Member parent or guardian for part or all of the See (e) above as this applies at all times even if the Parents or Guardians are not present.

◊ Children under the age of 16 years old may not use the Members’ Bar. Children aged 8‑16 years are allowed in the Roehampton Bar only if they are supervised by an adult at all Children under the age of 16 years old are allowed in the Garden Restaurant only if they are supervised by an adult at all times. They must adhere to the licensing laws at all times.


Full Playing Membership

  1. Restricted Full and Five Day Members who have achieved a playing handicap of 23.5 and below (men) and 32.9 and below (ladies) may apply for Full Playing membership. Members with a handicap of 23.6-28.2 (men) and 33-36.6 (ladies) may only play at weekends after 2pm in the summer and 1pm in the winter.

Applications for membership upgrades should be in writing to the Membership Services Manager at Prior to being offered golf membership applicants will be required to have a Golf Induction with one of the Golf Professionals.


  1. A Member having a handicap at a recognised Golf Club should inform the Ladies’ Handicap Secretary (ladies) or Golf and Games Manager (men) of their handicap and new handicaps may be obtained by reference to either of the above.

Junior Golf Weekend Playing Privileges

  1. On recommendation by the Golf Professional, Junior Members are eligible for weekend playing privileges, upon payment of the relevant fee. An additional annual subscription will be payable. Juniors must be accompanied at the weekends by a Full Playing Member. A list of approved Juniors is posted on the Juniors’ and Starter’s noticeboards and is subject to annual revision. Please check with the Golf Professionals for Junior Golf rules and membership upgrades to include weekend play.


Bye Laws

  1. Children aged under 4 years old must wear a swim nappy at all times when using the swimming pools. The Club reserves the right to charge for any disruption caused to Members use of the pool by a breach of this Byelaw.

Please email with any queries.