Croquet Communique

Along with the rest of the Croquet World we wait to see what possibility there is of the Coronavirus receding enough to allow some relaxation of the lockdown.


One hopes that for those not ‘shielding’ a controlled return to the lawns will be possible before too long, with strict controls on numbers.


Whether or not there will be competitive croquet this year remains to be seen.


Further distraction for my mallet has included an introduction to some strange appliances in a rarely explored area (image)

The Lawns


Chris and Simon are still working to keep the lawns – croquet and tennis – in good conditions.  One benefit of the closure, is the lack of hoops and boundary boards, making mowing and treatment a little easier (header image).

I thank Peter Honey for finding this short poem ‘Smiling is Infectious’ (image) by Spike Milligan  


Keep in touch with your friends and keep well!

Mike Pattison | Croquet Captain